Puzzle your own Jemma

Summer is approaching and you've been missing your two favorite fictional girls all winter? So, what to do in those long summer nights, when the rain is beating against the window panes and you can't sleep? Puzzle your own Jemma by clicking the pics.


Der Sommer naht! (Irgendwo, irgendwie, irgendwann...vielleicht.) Und ihr habt's die Mädels ganz arg vermisst über den Winter? Auf dieser Seite findet ihr die perfekte Lösung für diese langen, lauen Sommernächte...wenn der Regen unaufhörlich gegen die Fenster schlägt: Jemma Puzzles!!! Einfach das Bild anklicken und lospuzzlen.

Pieces: 50 rotation: no
Pieces: 50 rotation: no
pieces: 120, rotation: no
pieces: 120, rotation: no
pieces: 72, rotation: yes
pieces: 72, rotation: yes
pieces: 300, rotation: yes
pieces: 300, rotation: yes
pieces: 77, rotation: no
pieces: 77, rotation: no
pieces: 150, rotation: no
pieces: 150, rotation: no
pieces: 128, rotation: yes
pieces: 128, rotation: yes
pieces: 98, rotation: no
pieces: 98, rotation: no
pieces: 98, rotation: no
pieces: 98, rotation: no
pieces: 200, rotation: no
pieces: 200, rotation: no
pieces: 200, rotation: yes
pieces: 200, rotation: yes
pieces: 153, rotation: no
pieces: 153, rotation: no

Kommentar schreiben

Kommentare: 1
  • #1

    trinchen (Dienstag, 08 Mai 2012 23:35)

    they are really addictive :D

    and there are even some more