It hurts.
Today airs the last episode of Hand aufs Herz and Jemma. Beyond all hope and faith and fighting spirit. We have yadded and yodeled on enough these past few weeks. So there are no words from us today.
With this blog, today, we mean to give you the space to say your Goodbyes and Thank Yous in a sort of book of condolences.
So write down your feelings and thoughts, and let the world know how much Hahe will be missed. Any language, whatever you're comfortable with.
Jenny and Emma (and gang), you will be missed. Sorely.
Here's the translation to the Hand aufs Herz post on their wall today.
Dear Fans, today at 6pm, airs the grand finale of Hand aufs Herz as a double episode on sixx and will be online on our page of course. You have suffered and felt with our beloved characters for 234 episodes and have carried your joy out into the world. We are mighty proud to be having such fans as you. And even if HAHE will be over on TV today, our characters and stories will live on with you. May it be in the form of our videopages, the DVDs, with your fanfictions or your entries here on facebook or in the forum. Therefore we will not be saying goodybe now, but thanks from the depths of our hearts for your support.
Lots of fun at the great finale wishes you,
your HAHE-Team
Kommentar schreiben
Anns (Freitag, 02 September 2011 21:16)
It will take me a while to recover after watching the last episode but I would like to thank Team JI for all your hard work and dedication. You have truly been a wonderful, hilarious and hardworking bunch of very,very nice people. For many of us you have been the only way to watch this wonderful, wonderful show which has so many great attributes that there is no room to list them all.
Before Hahe, I was under the impression that Germany produced only (very good quality) crime series (my favourite is Der Kriminalist). Now I can see that there's so much more to it than that. :) What was extra special for me in Hand aufs Herz (in addition to Jemma, of course) was the use of music and the STAG. So thank you for the music Hahe!
I would also like to thank the jemmaholics, especially for these last few days. Hopefully we'll find a way to panic over poltergeist ladders and withdrawal symptoms together.
Last but not least, I must say that i love Lucy and Kasia. And Petra Bodenbach. And Selina. And Sonja. And Bodo (Frank?). And Michaels eyes. And the dude who always helped Timo down the stairs. And Ami's comments on translations. I don't, however, love Ronnie.
To finish up, here's a song that somehow reminds me of Jemma everytime I hear it. You might not understand it, but hopefully the feeling will be conveyed. It would have been a perfect duet for Jemma. *sigh*
Cassie (Samstag, 03 September 2011 00:26)
I've never been good with words but here it goes. This show gave a laugh when everything seemed dark here, you at JI put so much work into all this just so the rest of us could enjoy it. thank you. many, huge thank yous from the bottom of my heart. Thank you to all involved: actors, writers, musicians, set designers, it was all awesome. I have loved it and it has been an amazing ride.
Kirsty (Samstag, 03 September 2011 00:29)
*big sigh* Wow, was almost crying at the end there with all the names going up past the little red heart balloon. But you know what? I was smiling too, it was a happy ending. Everyone was kissing and happy, the Jemma not-kiss-but-better-than was so sweet- as we would expect from them. And the cast waving goodbye was sweet too. And did you notice Lucy's cute little two hand scrunchy wave? I am going to miss her aand Jenny so much.
No-one has commented really on ep 233 but I just want to mention one thing...Michael's eyes! WTF?! I was mesmerised by them. Seriously. They were so blue!! unnaturally so...
Ok, I just want to say a huge thank you to all the guys who have worked so hard for us all on this website. Vielen Dank guys xx Thank you for putting up the translations so quickly and your comments dotted throughout them-ha, brilliant.The website is awesome and you are too. :)
And thanks to everyone here. I'm glad to be a part of this little community. hopefully we can keep this going a while longer. And maybe discuss the early episodes as the translations go up for them, in time.
Thanks to Kasia and Lucy. You.Are.The.Best. That is all. You know how we feel about you and how the way you have portrayed Jemma has helped us all in so many ways. Thanks to Petra and all at HaH. It's a shame we all couldn't have continued on this journey together but... it WAS a fantastic journey!
Is it too late for a bit of #PizzaBallet?? Quatsch! of course not...
Ammy (Samstag, 03 September 2011 01:28)
First and foremost, I would like to thank everyone here at J.I. for making it possible to thoroughly enjoy Jemma. You guys are the best!!!! and I am forever in your debt. Also, I would like to thank Lucy and Kasia, and Petra for investing so much into these characters and really make them come to life and especially the beauty and adorableness that are Lucy and Kasia....sheer PERFECTION!
And too all the Jemmaholics thank you guys for being as awesome as you are! A group that I could laugh with, cry with, objectify with, and most of all ogle with.
I will wear my pink Jenny watch with pride, when I pass the flowered bedset at Ikea I will always remember the great times shared, and if I see someone wearing Emma's shoes I will run to them and 360 hug them, all the while singing Chasing Cars, like they ran 12 miles to see me.
I feel this would be a perfect moment to stand up and start singing "Ave Maria" as we bid a fond farewell to the loves of our lives! JEMMA FOREVER!!!!!
Conchi (Samstag, 03 September 2011 04:44)
En fin, esto se acabó, me quedo con la tímida y asustadiza Emma del principio de la serie y la atrevida y valiente Jenny con sus hipnotizantes blue eyes que se te clavan en el corazón, me quedo con los besos compartiendo blanket y la declaración de amor at the train station, me quedo con esa ilusión que todo lover siente al principio y que tan bien han sabido expresar our girls...
Carolyn1202 (Samstag, 03 September 2011 06:55)
I just want to say thank you to everyone that worked on this site . To all you translators out there for ALL the languages, you did an unbelievable job so that Jemma fans worldwide could watch this show . What an amazing effort . Thank you for your time and thank you for your love of this show. You have created something special here bringing all the fans together. At the end of the show today they rolled the full credits with everyone involved and I clapped through it !!! . In my imagination I see another giant credit roll for who worked on this site and all the fans who are part of this site and if you listen closely you can hear me clapping again!!! You are the best!!! Mwah!!!
pureharmonix (Samstag, 03 September 2011 08:18)
Wow...just...wow. So much hard work done so selflessly and freely. You translators rock hard!!!
Thanks so much for taking all of us along for the Jemma ride...what a sweet little love story! Cleverly written and beautifully acted - it was fabulous while it lasted.
Clijsters3 (Samstag, 03 September 2011 13:09)
Firstly I think the statement by HaHe was nicely written and I am proud to be a HaHe fan!
A big thank you to all the Hahe team, writers, directors, producers, actors and everyone else who made this super soap opera possible, all the names that went up at the end of the final ep. amazed me. Kasia and Lucy you brought your charaters to life and put everything in your performances and will enjoy rewatching your scenes and also seeing your future projects. I don't think any other actresses could have done the storyline justice. Thank you to Petra Bodenbach for making the storyline come to fruition and to everyone who made Jemma main characters once they realised how popular they had become.
A big thank you to all on this site who made it possible for us international fans to watch and understand not only the Jemma storyline but the whole of HaH. As others have stated, without your dedicated work this would not have been possible and this amazing programme would never have gained such a large following. And you were so dedicated you even went to the Fantag, soap awards and other events, which must have been time consuming and such a chore!
KBee (Samstag, 03 September 2011 20:55)
Jemma International, I want to join in on thanking you guys for the work you did to make this show available to so many of us. Your hard work was a gift to us all. I loved, and will especially miss, your lessons on German language and culture. I learned so much! You guys are creative and generous and I wish you all the best!
I am so sad to see this show end, but feel like the Jemma story was brought to a close when Jenny cried and finally acknowledged that her parents were dead. Emma was there and assured her that, together, they will move forward with their lives. I couldn't help but think as Lucy was saying those lines, that she was acknowledging that this story was coming to a close as well. I felt like her tears were my tears saying goodbye to this wonderful show. I will miss this Jemma experience, but am so thankful to have been a part of it.
AmyLnnLee (Sonntag, 04 September 2011)
Guys well I dont know what to write or say..Jemma international thank you so much for bringing the joy with your hard work to everyone around the globe..Watching HaHe Ive actually learn a bit of German ; ) The personal notes in translations,dedication,unselfishness..wow I have no word really for you to say enough how thankful I am..HaHe wouldnt be so good soap if it wasnt such a good writers,actors,directors,producers,the whole Hahe team..made them so damn good and believable..I also enjoyed in comments of fans..You really helped me preparing for the end of the show..Im not sad..I am happy that I got the chance to see this..First the Jemma,then everyone elses life stories,ups and downs,drama,many special moments will stay long with me..but the most important thing...the strange, unexplained thing..to whom we all desire to feel..that in life its all about THE LOVE!!!! Love you all Take care! It has been a privilege to be a part of this!
Prou (Sonntag, 04 September 2011 08:09)
It hurts, but i can never thank enough the many ways the Jemma magic in this show has helped me these last few months after going through a really bad breakup...I usually don't have much faith in lesbian storylines in telenovelas or tv series because, with very few exceptions, all are very disappointing in the end, but this one was AWESOME, you pretty much have said it all already: Lucy and Kasia's acting was first class, the writing outstanding,etc, etc, etc...it is sad it had to end so abruptly... A big thank you to all of the people at jemmainternational without your generosity and dedication many of us wouldn't have been able to be part of that wonderful experience!!
Love you all guys!!!
Libellule (Sonntag, 04 September 2011 19:52)
I cannot say my admiration nor thank you enough, but at this stage I'm at loss for words. So if you'll excuse me, I'll just copy/paste (and edit a tiny bit ;) )what I've written under the farewell episode:
Before the sadness really kicks in (since it's now our time to grieve), as everybody here i'd like to say thank you, from the bottom of my heart.
-The utterly brilliant team of this show, everybody involved in giving life to HaH. Writers, producers, directors and ALL actors...
-Lucy Scherer and Kasia Borek, for the way they embodied Jenny and Emma, how they made these 2 characters their own and created this organic storyline. For their chemistry onscreen. It was such a delight to watch everyday.
Dear actresses, you have no idea how much you moved me with your depiction of Jenny, Emma, and Jemma. Real acting talent lies in the capacity to convey emotions to the point of symbiosis, and from the brighest joy to the deepest sorrow, I was able to feel it all through Jenny and Emma.
-This website and all the lovely bees behind it who worked so hard to make this wonderful ride an international one. For your kindness, your humour (oh the hilarity of your transcripts notes!) and your dedication.
-Sat1. However mad I can be at you right now for cancelling a show of that quality and forcing the HaH team into this rushed finale, I am fully aware of the huge efforts done to make the show accessible worldwide, despite the copyright issues. And for that I will be eternally grateful.
Also for that dedicated Jemma corner on your channel website, therefore acknowledging the amazingness of that story and its 2 actresses.
HaH, I heart you. Jemma, I adore you.
Helen (Sonntag, 04 September 2011 20:39)
I am sad that HAH is over, but so grateful that I have had the chance to watch Jemma. It has been without doubt one of the most authentic, lovingly written and acted story lines I've ever seen.
Thank you so much Jemma international for your dedication in bringing Jemma and the whole show to all us non-German speaking fans and for doing so with such brilliant good humour. Your transcript notes have made me cry with laughter!
The thing that is so special to the Jemma 'world' is the sense of love and fun that infuses everything. The fans, the show, the actors, the writers. It's been a joy.
Love and huge, huge thanks.
UJ (Sonntag, 04 September 2011 23:00)
DANKE, THANKS, GRACIAS, GRAZIE, HVALA to Jemmainternational team, to HaHe cast and crew especially to Kasia and Lucy for everything. You all were the last stitch on my long broken heart. Thank you again from the bottom of my heart.
XOXO from sLOVEnia
Dutch (Montag, 05 September 2011 12:41)
Well this has been an amazing and fun ride. Many thanks to the HAH Jemma writers and TPTB (kinda sad I want and have to thank them) for this wonderful cute honest and important story. Thanks Jemma International crew for your dedication, love and hard work. You are awesome. Most thanks, of course, to Kasia and Lucy, for bringing such heartfelt life to Emma and Jenny and for caring and understanding how important this story has become and is. I am very sad this ride has ended. But we will get over it and other wonderful LGBT stories will come along. I strongly believe that. Cause we are here out in the open and aren't going anywhere :-)
frananifan (Montag, 05 September 2011 14:32)
I got the love.
Tintin (Montag, 05 September 2011 15:10)
I'll miss HaH most especially Jemma! Thank you Jemmainternational!
Clijsters3 (Montag, 05 September 2011 16:11)
We, we are in love,
we'll be forever
We, we're not gonna stop
we'll be forever
All the stars in the sky
All the flowers in the field
And all the power in the earth could never take you from my heart
And it's forever, baby it's forever, it's forever, baby it's forever and we'll run to the end of time until our hearts run into the sky.
Lyrics by The Drums, song Forever and Ever Amen. I listened to this song a lot after the end of Pepsi and it made me feel a bit better so I thought I'd recommend it. The singer sings forever a lot of times so it's makes me feel Jemma will be together forever!
Eyelesstrees (Mittwoch, 07 September 2011 00:00)
I've thought about this a lot: I can't think of a better written, or more realistically acted, lesbian storyline on tv or in film! As a result I have elevated Jemma from my 'Best. Lesbians on tv. Ever' to the 'Best.Fictional lesbians.Ever.' That is some accolade given my age and how many lesbian film/tv characters I've watched over the years!
Thank you to everyone involved in bringing Jemma to our screens/monitors!
This next bit isn't a 'thank you' so much as a 'wow.' In as much as you can be impressed by people you don't know I've been really impressed by Kasia and Lucy as people. Jill Hennessey (Crossing Jordan) and Sara Ramirez (ER) are multi talented. Can anyone compete with Lucy or Kasia though? Lucy: acting; singing; dancing -omg the dancing; musicals; piano; 3 languages; swimming like a fish and lord knows how many other talents. Kasia: acting; singing -omg the singing; dancing; 4 languages! In the live chat they both came across as really nice, well balanced people. I think that the fact that they aren't tabloid headline grabbers might have contributed to the way that Jemma were accepted as just another couple in a soap. Maybe for the same reason Jemma don't seem to have attracted any homophobia (I haven't seen any at all.) That can't just be because Lucy and Kasia seem to be respected as people but it might be part of it. I'm not sure why this 'wow' bit is noteworthy but it's been a part of the Jemma thing for me. So, thank you to Lucy and Kasia for being such multi talented and seemingly nice people!
And finally, jemmainternational. What to say?! Well, DANKE obviously!! The fandom has been a huge part of the Jemma experience for me. Thank you so much for all your hard work. Not just for the invaluable translations and this site but in trying to save the show too! And of course there have been all the other fans! I've never been involved in a 'fandom' before and I couldn't have wished to be involved in a better one! It will be fun to keep chatting as we re-watch!
PS. I know I'm like a broken record but I think Jemma will be back as a webseries at some point. I don't care if Lucy said 'Goodbye' rather than 'Au revoir' to Jenny - that was just because no one has pitched the webseries concept to her yet!! And I don't care that Kasia has another job- she's only accepted that so that she can stay close to Petra while they finalise the scripts for the Jemma webseries! ;)
Libellule (Mittwoch, 07 September 2011 10:10)
@ Eyelesstrees
I'm also sincerely convinced that HaH is not completely dead yet. And it's not (just) because of my unwillingness to admit it's over. I mean technically talking, there're different possibilities. And yes, a webserie is one of them. But even without considering the format, timeslot or whatever else of the show, and disregarding the fact that actors are now moving on different projects, the story could even pick up again in a few years and still be credible. I totally trust HaH writers for that, whether they would choose to develop storylines from episode 234 or in another context, a few years after the Abitur, it would still work perfectly. You know, like when a brilliant band dislocates and reunites a few years later.
And we would all be there, 1st rows, sparkling eyes and overwhelmed hearts with deep joy and genuine love, to enjoy the ride again.
So, Petra Bodenbach, take the time you need to properly figure out how to save this gem without doing any "sell your soul" compromises, a year or two if necessary to rekindle our dear HaH and beloved Jemma. In the meantime, we'll keep spreading the love. :)
Eyelesstrees (Donnerstag, 08 September 2011 00:34)
Well a webseries or a something is a certainty now if you believe in coincidence! In another place, in amongst 47 other comments I skimmed thorough I was stopped by these beautiful words: 'Cheers to sunshine, colorful holidays, the grace of the sea, the beauty of life, and those magic little moments of hapiness!' I read that and it really made me stop for a while and think about the simple pleasures in life. And then I came here and recognised your name!
All the best!
Olivia Moe (Donnerstag, 08 September 2011 06:56)
I want to say first how grateful I am to the translators of JI without you I would never have truly understood or been able to follow this beautiful story, I thank you deeply from the bottom of my heart for all of the hard work that you did. I absolutely fell in love with Jemma it ha been one of the truest lesbian story lines on tv in along time, the pureness of the characters, their development from the beginning to the end. The growth of Emma who has grown so much and who finally accepts herself and the love she has for Jenny, I am very grateful to Sat1 for airing this show, I have come to realize that most German shows have a great depiction of lesbian story lines and I wish that the international viewers were able to view these shows more. I also wish that the American producers would learn how to portray such story lines instead of the old cliches. I am going to miss Han aufs Herz and I will mostly miss the truly amazing performance by Lucy and Kasia who had such amazing chemistry, again I thank you.
tamu13 (Donnerstag, 08 September 2011 16:47)
Libellule (Freitag, 09 September 2011 08:37)
@ Eyelesstrees
All the best to you too!
That comment you saw was on Lucy's blog. Right after this one, I left another one with some song lyrics, that I "jokingly diverted". But I don't think anybody can see it yet as it's written: "Dein Kommentar muss noch moderiert werden."
Considering my huge knowledge in German, I referred to the very reliable Google Translate that gave me something barely understandable about the comment having to be moderated. So I guess Lucy or some moderator on her blog checks the comments before publishing them and this one hasn't been validated yet. I sware there's nothing inappropriate on it though!:D It's just very long and there's a Youtube link in it, so maybe that's why.
It happened on a previous comment too, also very very long (but sometimes it's difficult to shorten what you want to express ;p), and it took ages before it finally got approved.
A few weeks ago I also tried to leave a comment on Kasia's blog, but I gave up after one hour trying to figure out how the whole thing works.
Anyway, all that to say: damn language barriers! I wish I could express my thoughts on blogs/websites just by looking intensely at the comment window, the way Jenny and Emma were communicating -I mean communicate (nope, HaH is not over yet; nope, nope, nope)- through eye contact. Whatever your native language in that case, everybody understands what Jemma silently says. :)
Carol2010 (Donnerstag, 15 September 2011 21:30)
I have never been pulled so hard into anything the way Jemma pulled me in. My real life has been fantastic, but is was also needlessly complicated. With Jemma I can imagine a simpler life, the way it could have been if I had been braver and born 25 years later, a life where love is just love.
It is now a couple of weeks since the last episode aired and my Jemma-ing has not slowed down. I miss new episodes, but there is always news about our girls and there are the old (new to me) episodes to keep up with. It is now up to the fanfic writers to continue this lovely story, to show us how the Jemma story was meant to continue.
I really want to thank the translation team who has made it possible for me to enjoy the Jemma experience, for as much as Kasia and Lucy can express with their eyes, I wouldn't have been able to maintain this level of interest, so THANK YOU!