Episode 193

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Episode 193
Episode 193








German Subs
Text Dokument 27.8 KB
English Subs
Text Dokument 27.0 KB

Other Languages

Ep 193 - Espanol
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 204.4 KB
Ep 193 - Italiano
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 215.4 KB

Kommentar schreiben

Kommentare: 11
  • #1

    Che (Freitag, 08 Juli 2011 21:04)

    Thank you so much for the translation!!

  • #2

    Wired (Freitag, 08 Juli 2011 21:31)

    You guys are brilliant! Can't wait for next weeks episodes too!

  • #3

    Bern (Freitag, 08 Juli 2011 22:00)

    Ah, man. Ronnie is just trouble. I'm quite afraid of what he intends to do with all that anger. I know he hates Ben's guts, though he might just channel it out next on Jemma. I mean, Jenny, it's very sweet how you want to protect your girlfriend and all, but quit provoking that beast.

    Anyway, that scene at the Bergmann's was totally cute. Planning your first time? Is that even how things should go? Nevertheless, Emma was utterly adorable.

  • #4

    liz mason (Freitag, 08 Juli 2011 22:08)

    OTALIA at the spa resort!!!! AWWWW how i miss it!!

  • #5

    ecosse (Freitag, 08 Juli 2011)

    One word: "squeeeeeeee!"

  • #6

    Grace (Samstag, 09 Juli 2011 00:29)

    My thoughts exactly, Bern!

    It's cool that STAG is speaking out against discrimination, but I really don't think the attack on Emma was a hate crime so much as it was a psychotic douchebag's vendetta against a girl who WON'T STOP PROVOKING HIM!

  • #7

    dropkick (Samstag, 09 Juli 2011 07:50)

    Mmmm... Nice to see Kasia in an outfit that shows off her, um, assets.

  • #8

    Carolyn Kammen (Samstag, 09 Juli 2011 08:05)

    Love Otalia at the Spa Resort!! I look forward to seeing what interesting pictures you have on this page for each episode because I always end up smiling or laughing at what creative picture you have for us this time!!!Thank you . and thanks for the translation too.

  • #9

    angie (Samstag, 09 Juli 2011 09:55)

    Totally second that! Awesome taste in picture selection!! ;)

  • #10

    Dannie (Montag, 11 Juli 2011 17:05)

    Just watched Clip#197 &198.. I can't wait !!!

  • #11

    jemmatranslations (Mittwoch, 13 Juli 2011 00:30)

    By the way, the little pics underneath the eps are always linked to something or other;-)