Episode 185

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Ep 185 feat.Hot as Hell Helena
Ep 185 feat.Hot as Hell Helena

Excuse our lateness for 184, but you know what happened. We had some other stuff to do with the news of yesterday. (Like crying our eyes out, eating Pizza and Dancing Ballet)








German Subs
Text Dokument 24.4 KB
English Subs
Text Dokument 23.6 KB

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Ep 185 - Espanol
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 192.2 KB
Ep 185 - Italiano
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 190.0 KB

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Kommentare: 8
  • #1

    alph_gal (Mittwoch, 29 Juni 2011 13:41)

    Thanks again. The English translation was fine. No need to apologise. We're all grateful that the wonderful Jemma team does this at all! And of course the bad news yesterday is enough to put everyone off their stride!
    Keep up the good work and I'm looking forward to enjoying the last few months of HaH together.

  • #2

    Anns (Mittwoch, 29 Juni 2011 16:59)

    I don't know if the news about the cancellation caused me to feel super depressed while watching this episode or what was the deal but I found Jenny's note about kissing only at home incredibly sad. As if se felt dispirited and decided to give up on some level. Oh well, plenty of great Jemma-scenes to look forward in the future.

    Ami, I love your notes and little observations! They were hilarious. Please, keep it up!

  • #3

    Carolyn Kammen (Mittwoch, 29 Juni 2011 18:07)

    Hiya Ami , Your comments and pointing out stuff are great !! Don't stop!!! Thanks !!! Carolyn

  • #4

    Che (Mittwoch, 29 Juni 2011 18:40)

    I think Jenny is taking a step back (by not kissing Emma in public), Emma went thru a very horrifying experience and I like the fact that even tho Jenny was a little bit upset (didn't you see her face while writing that note?! :P) but she thought of a solution and it made Emma smiles. I respect that about Jenny, she's cool ;)

  • #5

    Anns (Mittwoch, 29 Juni 2011 19:09)

    Yeah, Jenny is definitely the best girlfriend ever. :) She is setting the bar quite high for everybody. I just felt bad for her even though I do understand Emma. Looking forward to next Tuesday.

  • #6

    ecosse (Mittwoch, 29 Juni 2011 23:55)

    Amazeballs! Thank you! Clearly Emma has some amazing rohypnol like fragrance about her cause Jenny is clearly completely G-ONE over her. It's super sweet.

  • #7

    Renee St (Donnerstag, 30 Juni 2011 01:42)

    Thanks so much for the translations! Your comments were great too :)
    I liked the Jemma stuff in this episode a lot. When Emma back away from Jenny at work, Jenny told her not to worry and when they were at school Emma didn't back away when Jenny embraced her. Emma isn't ready for other PDAs (and who can blame her!) and Jenny, being the greatest girlfriend ever, even though the situation was upsetting her she found a solution that worked for both of them.
    They're both totally awesome! I love this show! :)

  • #8

    Wired74 (Donnerstag, 30 Juni 2011 17:47)

    You guys are so awesome for putting up these translations so quickly! Thank you! I liked this episode as well for the Jemma scenes. Especially after the bad news about the cancellation! :( I loved the expression on Jenny's face when she sees Emma on the stairs. It's like she just found the best thing ever on those stairs! Also Jenny is the perfect girlfriend for being so patient and understanding. I can't wait for Emma to be able to get back to being close with Jenny! Lucy and Kasia are fantastic actresses together!