Prost auf den ersten Adventssonntag!
Cheers to the first Sunday in Advent!
Tja, was erwidern wir denn bloß 2020 auf das Stichwort ho-ho-ho: yo-yo-yo oder no-no-no?!? Das verrät euch dieser kurze Blog.
Well, how do we reply in 2020 to the sound of ho-ho-ho? Yo-yo-yo or no-no-no?!? This short blog will give you the answer.
Die STAG ist verunsichert. Seit Jahren rockt die Truppe in der Adventszeit bei uns Haus und Hof. Ob sie auch 2019 ihre 24 Türchen bekommt, können wir inzwischen beantworten.
STAG is bewildered. For years the troop has rocked the house and yard during Advent season. We are able to tell you now, whether they will get their 24 doors in 2019 as well.
Hey guys, noch jemand da? Wir könnten Pizza bestellen. Oder Sandwiches machen. Und unter geteilten Wolldecken erzählen wir euch, was bei JemmaInternational auf dem Programm steht. Und auch stand.
Hey guys, anyone still here? We could order pizza. Or make sandwiches. And then we'll share some woolen blankets and tell you what JemmaInternational has planned. And what has already been accomplished.
Hand aufs Herz – lang, lang ist's her. Die Show. Jemma. Und viele Träume sind mit dieser Zeit verbunden. Einer davon ging für manchen Fan am 17. März 2018 in Wuppertal in Erfüllung...
Hand aufs Herz - it's been a long, long time. The show. Jemma. And a lot of dreams are attached to this time. One of them came true for many a fan on March 17th 2018 in Wuppertal...
Christmas time!!!
And we came up with a little something for every day up until then for you, introducing the tradition of the "Advents-or Christmascalendar" :)
Kunst und Wissenschaft. Musik und Biologie.
Musical und Gentechnologie.
Wie sollen diese Paarungen zusammenpassen? Wer Forschung liebt, tummelt sich an der Universität. Wer Unterhaltung sucht, geht ins Theater.
Heißer Tipp: Theater Bielefeld. Denn hier hat William Ward Murta mit dem Stück „Das Molekül“ ein Doppelhelix-Werk erschaffen, und es unter anderem aufgeführt in der Vorstellung am 18. Juni 2017 (mit Lucy Scherer). Kunst rankt sich um Wissenschaft, und ein Musical um die Entschlüsselung der DNA.
Kennst du das Land, wo niemand weint?
Wo Tag und Nacht die Sonne scheint? Das Glück regiert, mit leichter Hand?
Tja, das ist die Vorortsiedlung Letterland – rein theoretisch, denn das Idyll trügt. Äußerst idyllisch verlief dagegen die Wiederaufführung des gleichnamigen Musicals an der Neuköllner Oper, das für Lucy Scherer und ihre Kollegen zugleich ein ganz besonderes Motto hatte: Klassentreffen!
Do you know the place where no one cries?
Where the sun shines day and night? Where luck reigns with an easy hand?
Well, that's the suburb Letterland - purely theoretically, because this idyll is deceptive. Very idyllic on the other hand was the revival of the musical of the same name at the Neuköllner Oper in Berlin, and for Lucy Scherer and her colleagues it was also something of a special occasion: class reunion!
(English version see below)
Jemma und HaHe haben Spuren hinterlassen – in unseren Herzen, in Form von Freundschaften und in vielen Schränken. Ja, richtig gelesen! Manch eine hütet zu Hause nämlich nicht nur DVDs und Autogrammkarten, sondern ganz einmalige Schätze. Schätze wie dieses Flashmob-Aktions-T-Shirt, das nun eine neue Besitzerin sucht. Interesse? Dann macht mit bei unserer Aktion und einer Auktion, die im Kleinen Gutes bewirkt.
Jemma and HaHe have left a lasting impression - on our hearts, in the form of friendships and in many a closet. Figuratively and literally! Some people not only hoard DVDs and autograph cards at home but also some truly unique treasures. Treasures like this flash-mob campaign t-shirt that is now looking for a new owner. Interested? Then take part in our auction for a good cause.
Hohoho, dein Geschreibsel macht uns froh!
Egal, ob Kurzgeschichte, Drehbuch oder Gedicht,
wir sind auf alle Werke sehr erpicht.
Und kommt dann noch eine Blümchenbettwäsche drin vor,
hast du nen krassen Hammer-Sinn für Humor.
Hohoho, your scribblings make us glow!
Whether short story, poem or screenplay,
please send all your works our way.
And if you include a certain floral bedding in your art,
we will think you’re hammer smart.
A few days ago our very own Globe wrote a story about courage, friendship and smiles. It's such a heart-touching story that we just have to share it with you.
Vor einigen Tagen hat unsere höchst geschätzte Globe eine Geschichte geschrieben - über Mut, Freundschaft und über ein breites Lächeln im Gesicht. Es ist so eine berührende Geschichte, dass wir sie mit euch teilen wollen. In einem nostalgischen Moment blickt sie zurück auf ihren Weg ins Jemma Fandom und erzählt uns, wie eine Serienfigur ihr bei einem mutigen Schritt in ein neues Leben geholfen hat.
Ihr wisst alles über „Hand aufs Herz“? Wirklich alles? Vielleicht habt ihr recht, denn wir alle haben die Folgen so viele Male geguckt. Vielleicht liegt ihr auch falsch und habt einige kleine Details verpasst. Welche Details? Natürlich die lustigen Fakten.
You know everything about „Hand aufs Herz“? Truly everything? Maybe you are right because we all watched the episodes many many times. Maybe you are wrong because you missed some of the little details. Which details? The Fun Facts, of course.
Welcome in 2015!
Look at this - three years later and we're all still here! :)
And just in time for the new year, we have a few words and a letter sparkling with inspiration for you!
Willkommen in 2015!
Na schaut euch das an - drei Jahre später und wir sind immer noch alle hier! :)
Und pünktlich zum neuen Jahr gibt es ein paar Worte und einen Brief voller Inspiration für euch!
We’re done. Done Done. Done and finished with transcribing and doing subtitles for ALL episodes of Hand aufs Herz! Thank you for the ride! Choose your Episode, click on the script and language or SRT you need, and start rewatching Hand aufs Herz - Full Episodes. For full SRT-packages of all episodes check out the SRT-Guide!
Now it is time for a more personal view …
Wir sind fertig. So richtig fertig. ALLE Folgen von Hand aufs Herz sind niedergetippt, übersetzt und mit Untertiteln ausgestattet. Nach diesem Trip ist es an der Zeit für persönliche Worte …
You're lucky, he's lucky, I'm lucky, we're all lucky!
Gut gesagt, Magenta! Wer will mit uns Outfits nähen oder den Time Warp üben? Wer hat noch keine Karten? Alle Informationen findet ihr in unserer neuen Rubrik über die Rocky Horror Show in Magdeburg, wo Lucy in die Rolle des sexy Hausmädchens schlüpfen wird.
Very well said, Magenta! Who wants to sew outfits with us or practice the time Warp? Who still has no tickets? Find all of the information in our new section about the Rocky Horror Show in Magdeburg where Lucy will play the role of sexy maid.
And here we go: Magenta (RHS)
Violett non-stop! As of today you can get the complete story of Jule&Ewa's roadtrip-adventure as an E-Book, plus new short story, and we are giving away 5 of them! The only thing you have to do to have the chance to get one, is to comment with a quote or the episode number of one of these scenes. Stay Jemma, enjoy Violett!
Violett ohne Ende! Seit heute ist der rasante Roadtrip von Jule & Ewa als E-Book-Sammelband erhältlich, inklusive neuer Kurzgeschichte. Wir verlosen 5 Exemplare! So bist du dabei: Kommentiere einfach das Bild – mit einem Zitat aus einer der hier abgebildeten Szenen oder nenne eine der Episodennummern. Stay Jemma, enjoy Violett!
Ihr habt eure Gewinner gewählt!
Ein Klick und Scroll entfernt sind eure Zitat-Lieblinge!
You have elected your favorites!
One click and scroll away are your winners!
*musik anschmeiß* / *turns the music up*
Europe - Final Countdown
It's the final Poll!
Dididi-DI, dididiDI-DI!
Willkommen zurück!
Bitte nimm Platz, hol dir deinen Fragebogen ab und fang an ein weiteres Mal zu voten!
Welcome back!
Please take a seat, get your survey and start voting once again!
Bereit eine weitere Runde Zitate zu studieren? :)
Ready to study more quotes? :)
Zitate. Sie beschreiben treffend und meistens mit nur einem Satz die Gesamtsituation. Sie sind Weisheiten, Markenzeichen, Analysen, Aussagen, Charakterstudien… und schleichen sich unbemerkt und nahtlos in unseren Wortschatz. Einige davon werden sogar legen- wartet, wartet es kommt gleich-där!
Quotes. Quotes are cutting and most of the time perfectly describe the situation with only one sentence. They are wisdoms, trademarks, analyses, statements, a sketch of character ... and slowly, without us noticing, they sneak their way into our treasury of words. Some of them even become legen - wait for it - dary!
Hey, Emma! Sei doch nicht so ein Spielverderber! Hotte hat doch recht. Hör einfach mal zu!
Zwanzigstes Türchen?
Na, wie wäre es dann mit zwanzig Zitaten?
Zwanzig? So viele?
Und das ist nur ein Bruchteil der Zitate, die euch im Januar erwarten wird!
Das mit uns ist was ganz besonderes.... That something truly special.You're still our super duper dream couple. Therefore a year after the unjustified not-win of the soapaward something to celebrate the awards you have won from our heart.
The Jemma Postcard Collection (click)
Have fun!
Was wäre wenn...die Lozzy-Erstwähler die Wahl gehabt hätten? Wäre Caro überhaupt zur Wahl gegangen? Welche Gründe hätte sie vorgebracht nicht zu gehen? „Brust-OP, keine Zeit?" Oder: „Alles nur Freaks und Lesben. Die töten doch alle Erdbeeren und feiern sich danach ab wie in einer Selbsthilfegruppe.“
Welche Wahlbroschüren hätte Emma bei Heisig abgegriffen und dagegen gehalten? Für welche Splitterpartei hätte ihr Herz vor Aufregung lauter gepocht? Gegen ein Zweiklassensystem war sie zumindest seit jeher und im Plakate-Bemalen hat sie Routine. Revolution! Oder hätte sie ihren Kugelschreiber gezückt und pflichtbewusst die Briefwahloption genutzt? Frei nach dem Motto: Manchmal schreibt man halt Post …
Da steht sie wieder, unser Schreiberling Juuudy, und umfasst aufgeregt das Mikro. Vor einem Monat startete ihr Roadtrip von Jule & Ewa in den Buchhandel. Ein aufregendes Abenteuer - offenbar auch für viele Jemmalinge, die das eBook mit Rezensionen eifrig im Netz unterstützt haben.
Was gibt es in diesem Blog zu berichten?
Zum einen gibt es violette News und zum anderen lautet das Motto: time to say … THANK YOU!!!
Eine von uns wagt sich in die (Bücher)Welt. Deshalb folgt hier einmal ein Aufruf in eigener Sache. Das Mikro geht an Juuudy ...
One of us is about to venture out into the world (of books). And so for once we'd like to make an announcement on our own behalf. Let's hand the microphone over to Juuudy ...
Im Moment leider aktueller denn je: Outgames Antwerpen, Hamburg Pride, Barcelona Circuit... fröhliche Partys unterm Regenbogen. Doch leider gibt es nicht überall auf der Welt was zu feiern. Daher, Stay Jemma und erhebt eure Stimme!
At the moment, unfortunately, more relevant than ever: Outgames Antwerp, Hamburg Pride ... happy parties under the rainbow. - But sadly, not everywhere in the world there is reason to celebrate. Therefore, Stay Jemma and raise your voice!
Tief durchatmen Marlene, Lucy würde so etwas niemals tragen, oder?! Aber nachdem sie nun die Hauptrolle der Sally Bowles im Musical "Cabaret" in Berlin übernimmt ist ein Kostümpimp nötig...zumindest ein bisschen. Auf diesen Seiten unseres "Etablissement" findet ihr alles was ihr zu Sally Bowles und Cabaret wissen müsst bzw. solltet. Deshalb sagen wir:
Willkommen bienvenue, welcome, Im Cabaret! Au Cabaret! To Cabaret!
Calm down Marlene, Lucy would never wear this - wouldn't she?! But after she will take over the leading role as
Sally Bowles in the Musical "Cabaret" in Berlin she has to dress least a bit. On these pages of our "Klub" you'll find
everything you want and need to know about Sally Bowles and Cabaret. Therefore we say:
Willkommen bienvenue, welcome, Im Cabaret! Au Cabaret! To Cabaret!
Exactly 2 years ago the wild and "stormy" journey began....Thanx to all of you who joined, for the good time we had together so far.
Genau vor 2 Jahren hat die, bisweilen sehr "stürmische",Reise begonnen. Danke an Euch, die Ihr bisher mit uns gejemmt, genudelt und Manderley und den Fürstenhof gestürmt habt.
Hach. Da gibt es ein kleines exklusives Spa-Ressort ... äh, ein 5-Sterne-Hotel in Bayern. Das wird seit Jahren von den Zuschauern der ARD gern besucht. Seit einiger Zeit gehen die Quoten sogar in stürmische Höhen, wie Quotenmeter berichtet. Und dieser Trend ist beständig. Sensationell.
Ist der Gipfel schon erreicht? Oder geht da noch was, geht noch mehr? Och ... In der hachrelevanten Gruppe und in den Reihen der Jemmalinge ließe sich die Quote gewiss noch weiter in die Höhe treiben.
Wie? Zu diesem Thema hat sich Juuudy ein paar Gedanken gemacht. Ganz spontan.
Ihr schreibt nicht auf Briefpapier, das einer fremden, toten Frau gehört? Super!
You don’t write on stationary that belongs to some other, dead woman? Great!
Auf Twitter und seinem eigenen Blog erleben wir Dennis (also nicht Horstfeld, sondern Schauspieler Dennis Schigiol) als kreativen Zeitgenossen, der authentisch Klartext redet. So war es auch in unserem Interview.
On Twitter, and via his own blog, we get to experience Dennis (we're not talking Horstfeld here, but actor Dennis Schigiol) as he is: a creative person who speaks out both plainly and authentically. This is something that he also does in our interview.
Die Tage auf Facebook: „Meine Lieben da draußen - hatte lange nichts von mir hören lassen - mir geht es gut!!! ;)))) viele Liebe Grüße an Euch Alle!!!!!! Eure Kasia“
Und ein Ruck ging durch die Fan-Nation und es regnete im Minutentakt Kommentare zum Kommentar! Juhu, Kasia Borek is back, WELCOME BACK!!! Doch… es gab auch… unnettes Feedback. Und schon tobte eine Posting-Schlacht. „Wahre Fans“ gegen „ falsche Fans“ und wann-wie-ob-wie oft sich eine öffentliche Person bei ihren Fans gefälligst zu melden hätte. By the way... Von Frau Scherer kam seit beinahe 2 Monaten kein Statement mehr über Facebook.
Empörung darüber? Fehlanzeige!
Zeit für ein paar Gedanken dazu… Total subjektiv und ganz spontan by Juuudy ...
"Who's still writing letters in the 21st century!?"
That's right - WE are! Postcards to be exact.
Just in time for Lovers' Day (don't forget: Valentine's Day, 14th February!)
we give you the
„Wer schreibt denn im 21. Jahrhundert noch Briefe?!?“
Richtig – WIR! Genauer gesagt Postkarten.
Passend zum Tag der Liebenden (nicht vergessen: Valentinstag, 14.2.!)
gibt es deshalb von uns für euch die JEMMA POSTCARD COLLECTION!
" I would tell you about the things they put me through the pain I've been subjected to...Now I'm not looking for absolution forgiveness for the things I do but before you come to any conclussions try walking in my shoes..." Hope‘s guestblog is another proof that coming out in the 21th century is a problem-still, another proof that beloved ones avert, turn away from us. BUT it’s also an evidence that Jemma was more than a telenovela, more than a well played story of Kasia and Lucy, it was “HOPE”. Follow “The (Jemma) World according to Hope” and how this small, nice, colorful story changed her life.
" Ich würde euch von den Dingen erzählen die ich durchgemacht habe, dem Schmerz dem ich ausgeliefert bin...Nun suche ich keine absolute Vergebung für die Dinge, die ich tue doch bevor ihr irgendwelche Schlüsse zieht, versucht euch in meine Lage zu versetzen..." Hope’s Gastblog ist ein weiterer Beweis dass Outing im 21. Jahrhundert ein Problem ist-noch immer, dass sich die Felsen in unserer Brandung abwenden. ABER es ist auch ein Beweis dafür, dass Jemma mehr war als nur eine kleine Soap, mehr als eine toll gespielte Geschichte durch Kasia und Lucy, für manche war es „Hoffnung“. Folgt „Hope und wie sie die (Jemma) Welt sah“ und sich ihr Leben durch diese kleine, nette, bunte Geschichte verändert hat.
The spirit of giving and ordering is almost upon us. What to get the Jemmaling nearest you. And why.
Die Weihnachtszeit mit Ihrem Geist des Schenkens und Gebens steht vor der Tür. Was man dem Jemmaling seines Herzens schenken könnte und warum.
As you all may know by now Sat1 is streaming the 'Hand aufs Herz 'episodes once more.
To get to know more about our plans concerning the translations and scripts for Box 2 and the newly streamed old episodes - read
Finally! Mypromi, the dubious company that hands out soap awards that matter anyway somehow, has nominated Jemma for best
Vote til your fingers bleed, Jemmalings!
Here's how!!
You know how sometimes events happen in your life, and you wish, you could build them a monument in your own little backyard?
Because they have affected you so deeply, meant so much to you.
Some people get tats for that very reason.
Others get facebook.
But how to build a monument, a memorial for something that has come and gone,a show, an online phenomenom, something that has neither substance nor permanence?
Find out about what everyone had to share when asked about 'Skeletons!'
Erfahrt hier, was alle über 'Skelette' zu sagen hatten, als sie danach gefragt wurden!
In freakishly good news Sat1 has decided to stream the full Hand aufs Herz episodes ungeoblocked online starting this Monday, the 6th of August 2012.
What does this mean for the hardcore old time Hand aufs Herz fans amongst us?
To let the Visibility Matters weeks come to a nice conclusion we are having the promised poll up in which you can vote for your submitted pictures, comics and videos for this project.
Um die 'Sichtbarkeit ist Wichtig' Wochen zu einem runden und schönen Abschluss zu bringen gibt es nun die angekündigte Abstimmung über die von euch eingesendeten Beiträge zum Projekt.
Hey folks! We'll be continuing our 'Voices out of the fandom and their Stories' column today.
Saskia is from Germany and one of the loyal long-time Jemma and Hand aufs Herz fans and she'll be telling you about her experience with Jemma and even more so what they truly meant to her.
Hi Leute, heute geht's weiter mit der allseits beliebten "Stimmen und Geschichten aus dem Jemma Fandom" Rubrik. Saskia kommt aus Deutschland und ist eine von den treuen "Hand aufs Herz" und Jemma Langzeit Fans. Sie erzählt Euch etwas über ihr ganz persönliches Jemmaerlebnis und was die beiden ihr bedeuten.
Today we are continuing our project of GuestBlogs in which we mean to listen to voices out of the fandom by letting them tell us their stories and experiences. Now it is Carol's turn to tell us a little bit about what Jemma means to her.
Heute wollen wir mal mit den Gästeblogs weitermachen. Blogs aus der großen weiten Fanwelt, in denen uns von verschiedenen Geschichten und Erfahrungen erzählt wird. Heute wird uns Carol erzählen, was Jemma für sie bedeutet.
A little while back, this guest blog reached us.You know, how at some time, this show, this storyline which this page is named for has touched and moved us? It truly is a great gift.
Es ist schon ein kleines Weilchen her, dass dieser Guestblog uns erreicht hat. Ihr könnt Euch bestimmt alle gut erinnern, wie die Sendung und die Storyline, nach der diese Homepage benannt ist, uns berührt und bewegt hat. Ein wirklich großes Geschenk!
Today let's imagine we're lounging on Jenny's green sofa, wrapped up in a purple blanket, having our laptop in our lap and nursing a warm, steaming cup of tea in our hands while deciding for a song to go along with our 'Romance at Home' or 'Actions at Chulos' date for tonight.
Yes, there are hard decisions heading your way again! Have fun with another poll and the results of the last one :)
So heute wollen wir uns mal vorstellen, wir sitzen gemütlich auf Jenny's grünem Sofa, eingewickelt in eine lila Decke, mit dem Laptop im Schoß und ner schönen Tasse Tee in den Händen und überlegen uns welcher Song toll zu unserem Zuhause Date oder Abzappeln im Chulos Date heute abend passen könnte.
Jep, wieder mal schwere Entscheidungen, die auf Euch zukommen. Viel Spaß mit dem neuen Poll und den Ergebnissen zum Letzten.:)
Hello everyone!
So, we're hoping you haven't had enough of those polls yet - cutest couple, SMDM and all. Because here are the results of our last poll and a brand new one which wants you to tick one of its boxes (this wasn't supposed to sound dirty). Also there are two little extras hidden in here.
So take a look!
Happy New Year!
Of course we've got something to say about it! :-)
The Hahe DVD Box 5 is up for preorder... blankets, couches and pink Leggings on your very own Tv.
But can you watch it, and how? Come in and find out.
It's this time again!
For the second of December, and the second door of the Jemma Christmas Calender we have yet another poll for you and the results from the last one!
A new vid, new interview and an outing through Berlin. And an update.
What's been new and excting in Jemmanation this week?
Look in and find out:-)
After not having updated much on one Ms.Scherer, today you'll get the ultimate Lucy in Stuttgart newsblog.
With good occasion, too! Enjoy!
The webseries in the making has been unmade, a way to give the show one last shot at glory arises and even more questions for you to answer :-)
Aaand, you are going to find the links to the new and improved Hephylax DVD Covers on the bottom!!
Hello everyone! It's time for yet another News Blog.
We are hitting a new era with AudL and with it there (finally) comes our own board!
Also there's a new feature we are able to offer you and soon it's time for the third DVD Box of Hahe and what did I hear about some new special recaps, and a Jemma-thesis which needs your support.
Jewellery? Music? Both of those things are included in this weeks poll!
So let's get right to it.
Now, today I have two great pleasures, which translates to two guestblogs.
One is by Ronnie's Frederic Heidorn, the possibly nicest bad guy in the universe, or at least Strausberg.
Below that, you'll find the one by Partner in crime, Co-hero and JI's very own Simi.
But read on and enjoy!
*Stands on Balcony and waves in Glinda manner*
A contest, the jemma girls' futures, old ep translation schedules and the webseries,we all dreamed of.
Where to begin?
Hello everyone!
The last time we saw each other it was all about kissing! This time it's about the question, what would you like to see lying under your Christmas Tree? (Beside tickets for Rebecca in Stuttgart!) Yes, there are still 3 months until Christmas, but that's an optimal time space to figure out your wishlist and send it to Santa...or your girlfriend, friends and family - whatever you believe in.
Kasia is an olive, I mean Olivia, and has an interview and pretty pictures and a new corner,
Lucy is I , and I don't mean me, but haunted,nonetheless,
New and old eps are finally upped and up, without Jenny, but maybe traces of her, and there is a forum on your horizons!
Lotsa news!
Read on!
Hello my friends,
We decided that every two weeks would be a good space of time to do a new poll. So guess what, it's time for a new poll! This one you will like and we're really curious who will be the winner here, because we really can't tell.
To find out more about the contestants and about last weeks poll click, what?
(Warning: This Blog should be consumated with caution. It might overstimulate your body, mind & brain.)
Let's talk about getting your very own interactive soap!
News on Kasia's new job and a very sweet and heartfelt guest blog by JI's co-founder, Jemmafan extraordinaire and expert screengrabber Frieda! Enjoy!
Ok, let's not even pretend that last week has been all hunky dory and nothing virtually evil and wonderful at the same time has happened.
First of all, completely beyond any reasonable logic and our "little unicorn everything is gonna be turning out all alright,it IS it HAS to!!" belief in the world, Hahe did see its final episode last Friday,.
Not to be cussing on an international website that is occasionally frequented by minors or anything, but ...balls.
Ok, however, we did promise you something a while back, though.
And that is the translation of ALL of the show.
So, while it's all Goodbyes, it's Hello! at the same time.
It hurts.
Today airs the last episode of Hand aufs Herz and Jemma. Beyond all hope and faith and fighting spirit. We have yadded and yodeled on enough these past few weeks. So there are no words from us today.
With this blog, today, we mean to give you the space to say your Goodbyes and Thank Yous in a sort of book of condolences.
Today, I have the great honor of introducing the great,the one and only Clare Lawlor to you guys.
Who is that you may ask?
The secret gay force at CBC Canada, who is responsible for stalking down the worldwide Jemmamafia and putting them on national Canadian Radio.
Clare is brilliant at saying what we all feel, so...
Read what Jemma means to her..and better get those tissues out.
To make you happy on this sad day, we are bringing the Polls back!!!
What's the most interesting thing beside Jemma? Right, what the fans think, of course!
(A collection of all Polls you will find here in the future: Polls)
This week/month (we don't know yet ;) ) you can vote about which way you'd like to get from A to B.
Find out more about the candidates!
Now it‘s her turn. Emma put on her magic boots and saved Jenny from spreading tears and drinking Guiness in Ireland.
Whereas Jenny invoked the spirits, shared blankets and sailed all the seven seas with Emma and her coming out.
Emma hat die Hochwasserstiefelchen mit schicken Sneakern kombiniert und ist um Ihr Leben, um Ihre Jenny gerannt. Dabei war kein Mustang zu schwarz und kein Flughafen zu weit. Und Jenny hat Geister beschworen, Wolldecken geteilt und ist das Opfer einer Riesenwelle geworden.
Best Girlfriend of the year? Jenny? Emma?
Hello lovely Jemmalings!
No, we'll not be diving into the German Language together today. Sad, I know, but this will be a thousand times better than this. There'll be no stupid rules about how you are supposed to talk and write, but just pure enjoyment today, because I was asked to do a GuestBlog about FanArt for you in order to ring in the newly pimped FanArt Corner.
So go ahead and browse through the Fanart Corner (after you read this Blog ;) )
Warning, this is like...LONG, but totally worth it.
Hi there, fans and friends, a gloomy peace this week with it brings.
As you might have noticed, Jemmanation has been astir with news, and if you have been confused, because you don't speak German, fear not, language has not been the problem, we have been confused, as well.
So, the craziness of this week started out with the very surprising announcement,that beginning this Monday, tomorrow,actually, Hand aufs Herz will no longer be shown on @SAT1 but @sixxtv.
If you're German, and don't know what to do, here's a brief guestblog and German interlude for y'all by zinsii, for more infos on what's been going down, read on:
Tonight, I have the great pleasure to introduce our very first guest blog,written by none other than Jemma Supporter number one Franciska Friede.
Franciska plays the role of "Sophie" on the German telenovela Hand aufs Herz, that we all have grown to love so much.
When we asked her if she would guest blog for us, a while back, she didn't hesitate for a second, just as she has always been not only helpful, but ever friendly and forthcoming to all of the Jemma and Hand aufs Herz fandoms.
A real Lessis(female for Lesbro?), so to speak.
Hi you guys, long time no hear!
Well there are some news to relay!
We always talk about Jemma, Hahe and Sat1. We provide you with information, ideas and translations. But what we never did is this:
Please allow me to introduce ourselves
We're women of craze and taste
We've been around for a few months now
Sharing with you our love and place
Find out more about Team and all its great supporters!
"People can't, unhappily, invent their mooring posts, their lovers and their friends, anymore than they can invent their
parents. Life gives these and also takes them away and the great difficulty is to say Yes to life."
— James Baldwin (Giovanni's Room)
Read about our love for Hahe, disappointment in Sat1 and what Jemma really means.
We received sad news yesterday.
If you click on 'Mehr lesen' you'll find out what our reaction to it was and is.
So click bellow to see the story of 'Let's go to Strausberg and say goodbye!'
Hello everyone!
So this was supposed to be posted last week, but stuff got in the way. Now I took some time to finally post this. Since, well, yesterday you showed me again that you love this section and actually I do, too.
To see the new lecture click on 'Mehr lesen' below.
Hello Jemmafriends,
as you all know we asked you to send in postcards to Kasia/Emma congratulating her to her Coming Out and to Lucy/Jenny to congratulate her to her girlfriend. If you don't know that yet then go back and read this awesome Blog by amidola. The explanation where to mail your postcards to you can find in our Post Office.
To encourage you and to give you ideas how those postcards could look like we want to show you what we sent in over the weekend in the following Blog.
Now, my pretties, a lot has happened this week!
There has been a lunar eclipse, for example, and Emma has come out!
So we prepared a little something for everyone to celebrate these exciting happenings.
Today we present you a new category in our blog for you crazy Jemma fans out there.
We read again and again that you crazy people out there are planning to learn German or wishing you could speak it.
If you're still sure you want to learn German, then learn German!
Actually I think that's hammer
To learn more - read on.
CBC Radio did a podcast about "The Art and Commerce of Fan Love" mentioning the Jemma movement. Listen to a wonderful and hilarious Jemma fan talk about her experience with Jemma while she recounts the events that took place over the last month. Also there is an interesting bit about how the broadcasters react and what possibilities there could be.
Read on ...
What you want
Baby, I got
What you need
Do you know I got it?
All I'm askin'
Is for a little respect (just a little bit)
There's a wish and a concern we have to talk about today and also we'll inform you once again about the newest additions and happenings to our page. You know the drill: read on!
You were disappointed that Lucy couldn't get out more than a THANK YOU at the award show?
Lucy is saying THANK YOU again on her homepage.
Read on and find out what she has to say.
You want to follow the Live Chat with Lucy and Kasia but don't speak German?
Don't worry, we're here for you and will do live translations.
You want to know how that works? Then read on ...
You want to know more about what is behind Jenny and Emma being 'Big in Japan', what we'll be doing about the soap awards, and what other happenings and news there are on our little site, read on.
Hello everyone!
As you know the Jemma love is conquering the world. Today we want to release the Press Review section of our site and we do it with new exciting news, which some of you may or may not have heard yet.