The webseries in the making has been unmade, a way to give the show one last shot at glory arises and even more questions for you to answer :-)
Aaand, you are going to find the links to the new and improved Hephylax DVD Covers on the bottom!!
So, now first things first, and yes, I have been putting off writing this blog.
The Hand aufs Herz Webseries has been officially canceled.I figured I'd give it a few days, before writing this, to see if they'd have unmade up their minds again.
Sometimes I think Bea Vogel is running that joint...
Here's the official statement in the English translation:
Dear Hand aufs Herz fans,
your passion spurred us to seriously reconsider and check options for a renewal. Unfortunately we haven't found the right framework/setting yet, to keep producing your favourite series in
the customary quality.
It's great, that you have been uncompromised and even suggested a donation campaign. Your dedication is very precious to us and we will always fight for fans like that. There won't be renewal of
the telenovela "Hand aufs Herz"for the time being, though. For 2012 SAT.1 and the entire ProSiebenSat.1-family will plan further highlights which might interrest you. As soon as we'll have news
about "Hand aufs Herz" we will inform you. In the meantime you can find the entire previous episodes and clips on www.sat1.de or on Maxdome.
thanks to Hoppe for the translation.
Rosalie and Co's Mel also reported on the news here
I know that a lot of you have been of differring opinion about this, Jemma, yes, Jemma no,Lucy yes, or no, Kasia maybe..do we want..?
All I can say is, that with the show still in the orbit somewhere, hope for a Jemma revival was at least in the wings at whatever distant point in the future, but with these news, I'm simply gutted.
I'm also gutted by all the negativity abounding,especially on the FB page of the show ,that has always tried to be humble and gracious and to do right by us.
But on to other news, in a way to give them a final Hooray, you can vote for "Hand aufs Herz" in the WAYA (Wild and Young Awards).
Depending on where and when they are, we might hop by and try to grab a few vids and pics:-)
Here's the link:
And here are the instructions:
There are two ways to vote:
1st: daily,which is the upper option
2nd:Once:Which you need to register for and which counts 60%
I'd like to ask all of you to at least vote in the once only section, so here's the translation of the form you get taken to, when you click on option II:

What happens is, that they send you an email with a code, that allows you to vote in this.
I'll continue with the general look of the thing:

They thankfully, offer the "No answer" option at the very end, whoch I took for most questions they asked.Since I didn't own a functioning TV til two days ago, I'm as clueless as you are to those movies and singers and what nots.
You just click the "keine Antwort" Option until you get to the favorite TV show, and "Hand aufs Herz" is listed, click that, and breeze your way out of there.
I also voted for a few artists I saw on the show, but that's pretty much it.
Does that work out for you?
Now, speaking of english questionnaires, remember the girl who does her thesis on the Jemma fandom?
She is has broadened her questionnaire to include some webseries questions and will let those get to Sat1:
Even if you've filled it out already,please do so again:-)
Here's the link to the English questionnaire
And Here's Rosalie's Blog about it
You see, there's lots for you to do, this time around.Next Blog update will include lots of news on our girls.
Lucy will get Stuttgart to burn in the dark and a few of us to freeze our feet off on Saturday, and Kasia keeps charming us on AudL.
See,there's a silver lining in almost everything;-)
And speaking of more fun stuff:
Hephylax has improved the covers for the 3rd DVD box again.
Due to general indecision(really,who could decide between Jenny,Jenny and Jenny?) there are three versions available, this time around:

Kommentar schreiben
Libellule (Freitag, 04 November 2011 04:00)
Thanks for all these news.
I didn't quite get what you said about the negativity on HaH FB though. Did you mean people are leaving negative comments on there because it's not renewed as a webserie instead of flooding Sat1 with their anger? Sorry, I'm at the very early stages of valuable German lessons (and I'll focus on "how to fill out forms" for now ;p) so there's a big language barrier for me when I look at the comments on the HaH FB wall.
As for the actual statement of cancelling the webserie (you have to give it to them though: this time they cancel something that hasn't even really started yet :D), I still believe it's not over yet. Yes, I truly believe "the show is still in the orbit somewhere" and I don't feel delusional for actually believing that.
I think they're struggling with the fact that they lost the main cast availabilities and they know that, to make this 2nd chance/new format work, they need them. Of course I'm talking about Lucy and Kasia, not only, but mainly. Jemma has become the core of the show, over the Bea-Ben storyline, and I'm not saying that just because it's how I feel, but because there're facts to sustain this: hello Soap Awards! hello ep 197 re-showcase on Sat1 for a week! ;)
And in all honesty, I'd rather have to accept that the very end of HaH was ep234 than see the show butchered in some precipitated new season. I don't want them to compromise the quality of it. So I think they're being sincere when they say: "Unfortunately we haven't found the right framework/setting yet, to keep producing your favourite series in the customary quality."
What made HaH so compelling was the care they put in everything. I don't know of any other show whose title fits so perfectly the spirit of its creation. Hand aufs Herz. That's exactly what it was on every aspect, to me. Writing, acting, producing, etc... And that was what made it so inspiring for most of us.
Also, in that official statement, note the "yet". They haven't found the right framework/setting YET. As in: they're still trying to figure it out. ;p
Libellule (Freitag, 04 November 2011 05:21)
I tried to vote and argh, there were no Keine Antwort in the poll!
So I started with Beste Soap, putting only HaH at the first place, no competitors, I didn't put any other name in descending rows!
Then for Bester Film, I based my vote on trailers (without undertanding a word of them):
3.Der ganz grosse Traum (I recognised the Good-Bye Lenine actor!)
4.Homies (Oh look, there's Luzi in the crowd, I mean Selena! Too bad she hasn't the star role, the movie would have "sounded" better... Cuz right now the trailer looks kinda awful. And I put it in the 4th place just because I saw Luzi smiling for a brief second. Aw Luzi, I mean Selena, you deserve so much better than a guest appearance on a cheap movie about some teenager rapper wannabe...)
5.Kokowääk (it made me smile when I understood it was for "coq au vin" = french meal, but still far from enough to make the trailer endearing)
6.vorstadtkrokodile 3 (it seems well acted but I'm far too old to appreciate this kind of teenage movies)
Libellule (Freitag, 04 November 2011 06:23)
For the other categories, it became way more complicated as I couldn't find extracts of all of them, and basing my vote on posters alone wouldn't be very fair. But since I couldn't enter "Keine Antwort" anywhere, I had to opt for things, so I tried my best to do that not too randomly.
For Bester TV-Film, I found this for the ones who are confronted to the same dilemnas as I was:
In the top right there's a "suschen" tab (for "search" I suppose) where you can enter the title and find stills or trailers of 3 of the tv-films in competition (the ones that are not from Sat1).
For the 3 others, websurfing, and a lot of patience to find a few things. ;)
For Beste TV-serie, more websurfing and patience needed.
I stumbled upon some bloopers for the show "Doctor's Diary" and they seemed to have lots on fun on it so I voted them at the 1st place. ;p
And for Beste Show, well, once you find translation for the titles, they're basically the same concepts everywhere on the planet so whichever is most your cup of tea. Personally I'm not a fan of any reality tv so if I really have to chose I'll pick up something that has to do with music.
On a side note, for the show "Mein Mann kann", I found a video of some giant guy trying to do a limbo dance when the bar was set at 90cm, very funny. He failed btw. :D
Libellule (Freitag, 04 November 2011 06:51)
-It took me ages to vote (not for HaH of course, this was obviously a choice of heart).
-It's crazy the amount of things you can learn while searching for german tv shows on the web. Like we universally have the same categories of tv-series (you know, a major cop one, a major medical one, a major comedy one, etc...) or tv/game shows. Or that suschen means search. Or that Keine Ahnung exists in other dialogues than in HaH's (I was happy to recognize that lovely expression in some trailers :D).
-But most of all, after 2 hours looking for german tv films/tv series/tv soaps/tv shows stills, trailers and clips to be the fairest I could in my voting, I can sincerely tell you that HaH surpasses them all. There're screenshots in the transcripts here that are way more eloquent and moving than any visual I could stumble upon regarding the other shows.
So don't spend too much time away from your Jemma perfect bubble of awesomeness while voting in the different sections, it's really not worth it.:)
Eyelesstrees (Freitag, 04 November 2011 23:55)
Hi Libellule, I agree with you about Jemma still being in orbit somewhere. I'm not so sure now that they will do a webseries though; Sat1 clearly isn't interested in that format.
I think they might try to do a one-off '5 years later' episode or something like that for tv and their website. Like you, I also think they are waiting on Kasia and Lucy.
I hope we are right and that the devlopments they are going to update us about aren't that they are going to re-hash the unshown episodes somehow. I just hope they put them as bonus footage on the last DVD and leave it at that.
Hope everyone is well (and that all the 234s are alive and kicking somewhere out there in the ether!)
frananifan (Samstag, 05 November 2011 00:25)
"Hope everyone is well (and that all the 234s are alive and kicking somewhere out there in the ether!)"
@Eyelesstrees We've been looking for you! Email me at frananifan@yahoo.com