ANDERS: Kurzfilmprojekt von Franciska Friede und Henrike Fehrs

Zwei Frauen, eine Blonde und eine Brünette, plaudernd unterwegs in Richtung Berlin – auf einem Trip, der ANDERS ist. Unter diesem Titel ging der Kurzfilm beim „SMS (Self Made Shorties) Festival 2015“ ins Rennen. Er ist ein Gemeinschaftsprojekt von Franciska Friede und Henrike Fehrs, allen Soap-Fans bestens bekannt als Alexa Berg aus der mittlerweile abgesetzten ARD-Serie „Verbotene Liebe“. 

Liebe … So lautete in diesem Jahr auch das Thema des SMS-Wettbewerbs. In allen eingereichten Kurzfilmbeiträgen übernahmen professionelle Schauspieler selbst die Regie, dachten sich kreativ Geschichten aus und setzten diese originell in Szene. Oder eben mal ANDERS, denn wie wir selbst nur zu gut wissen: Liebe kann sehr bunt sein.



Klara meets An(ne). Und die Outtakes lassen es erahnen: Bei den Dreharbeiten im Mai 2015 war Spaß angesagt. Doch wie kam es überhaupt zu diesem Projekt? Warum ein Shorty mit Gay-Thema? Hier kommt die Antwort: Franciska und Henrike waren so nett und haben uns zu ihrem gemeinsamen Film ein Statement gegeben, das unser Regebogenherz zweifellos höher schlagen lässt …


© Henrike Fehrs
© Henrike Fehrs

„Franciska und ich hatten schon länger den Plan ein gemeinsames Projekt zu starten. Wir wussten nur nicht in welchem Rahmen. Da stießen wir auf das ‚SMS Love Shorties – Festival des Liebesfilms‘ und für uns war das Thema sofort klar. Warum sollen es immer nur Mann und Frau sein?

Die Welt ist bunt! Wir haben den Kurzfilm „Anders“ gemacht, weil wir unabhängig voneinander in unseren Zeiten bei den Soaps gemerkt haben, dass eine unglaublich große Nachfrage nach gleichgeschlechtlichen Liebesgeschichten besteht, die von den Sendern aber einfach nicht bedient wird. Ich bin in meinem Freundeskreis fast sowas wie die „Quoten-Hete“ und ich höre immer, dass es da einfach zu wenig gibt. Nach „Queer as Folk“ oder „The L-Word“ ist die Liste ja schon ziemlich schnell erschöpft. Natürlich sind wir wenig ins Detail gegangen. Es sollte und musste, auf Grund der Zeitbegrenzung des Festivals, eine kurze, knackige Geschichte sein, was uns – glaube ich –  ganz gut gelungen ist.
Wer weiß? Nachdem der Kurzfilm so gut angekommen ist, denken wir schon ein wenig über eine Fortsetzung nach.

Liebe Grüße,
Rike & Franci“


Unsere Daumen gehen nach oben, und zugleich sind sie ganz fest gedrückt für folgende Projekte.


ANDERS (DIFFERENT): A short film project by Franciska Friede and Henrike Fehrs

Two women, a blonde and a brunette, chatting on the way to Berlin - on a trip that is DIFFERENT. That's the title under which this short film was submitted to the "SMS (Self Made Shorties) Festival 2015". It's a joint project by Franciska Friede and Henrike Fehrs, known by soap fans as Alexa Berg from the now defunct ARD show "Verbotene Liebe" (Forbidden Love).

Love ... That was the motto of this year's SMS competition. All submitted short films were directed by professional actors who also creatively thought up stories and presented them inventively on film. Or DIFFERENTly, as the case may be, for as we all know too well: Love can be very diverse.


Translation (if you are to nervous to click the button for the subtitlels)

Klara: Hi, can I take you some of the way ? So I am not quite going all the way to Berlin, but I can take you to Neuruppin. Well, I could also go to Berlin, drop you off, and just turn around. But then I might not make my appointment on time. Well, but I also have to get my hair done, and that really can take forever. You wouldn't think so with this hairstyle, but I have to have lacquer and wax and powder and spray. Well, honestly, it should just be Neuruppin.

Klara: I am Klara.

An': An'

Klara: You can't be just "An'" !?

An': I am actually named Anne, but everyone keeps calling me An'.

Klara: Ok, cool.

An': So what’s in Neuruppin?

Klara: My father is getting married there.

An': And you think his new bride is shit, eh?

Klara: I think his new groom is shit. Honestly? My parents were married for 25 years. 25 years! Can you imagine that?! And now, all of a sudden, he realizes it was all a mistake. That he actually loves men, or what?! So instead of wondering how my mother feels about it all, I keep asking myself : “Who is going to wear the wedding dress!?!?”

Sorry, I just need a minute ...


Klara: You know, 25 years everything was totally fine! My God, it was just normal!

An': Can you just shut the fuck up!?! Hey, you're not the only one who has problems! My mother was married three times. I have five siblings from five different fathers, and now she wants me to come to Berlin to help her in moving again, because, TADA, she is living with a woman! And with my luck, this woman will also be your mother!

(Laughter, and) An': Shit.

An': I mean, we shouldn't begrudge our parents joy, if indeed they are happy, but ... seriously, it pisses me off! You don't just change your sexuality! Hey, you have to make a decision and stand by it!


Klara meets An(ne). And the outtakes give us a clue: A fun time was had during shooting in May 2015. But how did this project start in the first place? Why a shorty with a gay subject matter? Here's the answer: Franciska and Henrike were kind enough to give us a statement about their joint film that lets our rainbow-colored hearts beat faster ...

© Henrike Fehrs
© Henrike Fehrs

"Franciska and I had been planning to start a joint project for some time, we just didn't know what exactly it should be. Then we stumbled over the "SMS Love Shorties - Festival des Liebesfilms" and we immediately knew what topic we wanted to do. - Why should it always be man and woman? The world is diverse! We made the short film "Anders" because both of us, independently from one another, realized in our time on the soaps that there's a huge demand for same-sex love stories that is just not being met by the TV stations/networks. In my circle of friends I'm almost the "token hetero" and I'm always hearing that there is just too little stuff out there. Aside from "Queer as Folk" and "The L Word" there's just not a lot else on the list.

Of course we didn't really go into detail. Due to the time limits of the festival it had to be a story that was short and to the point, something that I think we accomplished rather well.

Who knows, after the short film was so well received, we are tentatively starting to think about a sequel.


Best wishes,,

Rike & Franci“



Our thumbs are up while our fingers are crossed for their upcoming projects.


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