Hello everyone!
The last time we saw each other it was all about kissing! This time it's about the question, what would you like to see lying under your Christmas Tree? (Beside tickets for Rebecca in Stuttgart!) Yes, there are still 3 months until Christmas, but that's an optimal time space to figure out your wishlist and send it to Santa...or your girlfriend, friends and family - whatever you believe in.
Poll 3 - What's your favorite kind of Jemma Kiss?
The choice was hard, but in the end I think we can agree that we're all in heaven when their lips touch.
So the winner of our last Poll, with a plus of 29% to the runner ups, were without a doubt the Mouth Kisses!

I guess the outcome of that poll was kind of logic. With 118 kisses the mouth kissing category had a very clear advantage over the others.
I'm not trying to deny them their rightful place here but here comes the twist. Mouth won with 43%, which means that with 57% the smaller kisses and gestures outweigth an ultimate kiss on the lips. And that my friends is the beauty of Jemma. Of course we love them kissing and snogging, but they would be nothing without the cheek and the nose and the hand and the forehead and the shoulder and the neck and the tummy and the knee and the bittersweet denial of a kiss. Because love is more than lips touching lips.
Actually I think the outcome of this poll is a really good representation of how the Jemma kisses are/should have been apportioned.
The full results you can find here:
Poll 4 - Which items of Jenny would you like to see lying under your christmas tree?
Haven't we all looked at Jenny and were like 'Oh my god! What the fuck is she wearing?' and ten episodes (at the latest) later we were like 'Fuck! I need that leggings, too!' Yes, we all know that phenomenon.
Now, this time you won't be able to vote for the leggings - let me say this from the start. We're not talking about clothes. But we are talking about jewellery and accessories. And there won't be one, but five polls you can vote in this time around. We came up with five categories and you can choose your favorite Jenny set of jewellery.
So let's begin!
We know we probably missed stuff. Sorry for that.
Feel free to write the ones we missed in the comments and put them on your wishlist anyway ;)
Also the 'first spottings' are our first time spotting the items, it's possible we did mistakes there, too, and they appeared before. Let us know! ^^
And at last the pictures do not correlate with the episode numbers.
Alright, now we can really begin.
The Green/Black Zebra Armloop

First Spotting:
Episode: 77
The Harley Watch

First Spotting:
Episode: 120
The Pink/Black Studded Wristbands

First Spotting:
Episode: 74
The Pink Watch

First Spotting:
Episode: 167
The White Wristband

First Spotting:
Episode: 73
The Rainbow Chain

First Spotting:
Episode: 216
Remember, the question is not, which do you like most for Jenny, but which do you like most for you!
Which item would you really like to have lying under your Christmas Tree?
Vote now here for the Bracelets:
The Grey/Pink One with the Owl

First Spotting:
Episode: 74
The Lilac Metallic Sports Bag

First Spotting:
Episode: 109
The Pink One

First Spotting:
Episode: 149
The Vrooom One

First Spotting:
Episode: 80
The Orange/Purple Tiger One

First Spotting:
Episode: 114
The Small Party Purse

First Spotting:
Episode: 161
The Running Away Bag

First Spotting:
Episode: 220
Remember, the question is not, which do you like most for Jenny, but which do you like most for you!
Which item would you really like to have lying under your Christmas Tree?
Vote now here for the Bags:
The Owl

First Spotting:
Episode: 73
The Exotic One

First Spotting:
Episode: 83
The Red Dripping Blood/Lava

First Spotting:
Episode: 86
The Vampire Teeth

First Spotting:
Episode: 104
The Pink Drops

First Spotting:
Episode: 79
The Aflame Heart

First Spotting:
Episode: 81
The Pink Chain

First Spotting:
Episode: 204
The Bird

First Spotting:
Episode: 175
The Note

First Spotting:
Episode: 198
The Elephant

First Spotting:
Episode: 221
Remember, the question is not, which do you like most for Jenny, but which do you like most for you!
Which item would you really like to have lying under your Christmas Tree?
Vote now here for the Necklaces:
The Bullet Earring(s)

First Spotting:
Episode: 73
The Great Britain Heart

First Spotting:
Episode: 135
The Pink Earclips

First Spotting:
Episode: 77
The Red/Silver Studs

First Spotting:
Episode: 121
The USA Heart

First Spotting:
Episode: 197
The Cones

First Spotting:
Episode: 201
Remember, the question is not, which do you like most for Jenny, but which do you like most for you!
Which item would you really like to have lying under your Christmas Tree?
Vote now here for the Earrings:
The Hat, Scarf, Gloves Set

First Spotting:
Episode: 74
The Flower Brooch

First Spotting:
Episode: 76
The (lucky) Mushroom Brooch

First Spotting:
Episode: 79
The Orange Ipod

First Spotting:
Episode: 98
The Colorful Set of Rings

First Spotting:
Episode: 86
The Red Gem Brooch

First Spotting:
Episode: 114
The Towels

First Spotting:
Episode: 78
Remember, the question is not, which do you like most for Jenny, but which do you like most for you!
Which item would you really like to have lying under your Christmas Tree?
Vote now here for other accessories:
Now you've got a lot to vote for, hm?
We're looking forward to your choices! Let us know what you voted, and which items you love and hate for what reasons in the comments! :)
Lots of Love,
Your Poll Team
Ps: This Poll was not an excuse to post a million pictures of Jenny. No it was not.
It was just a nice side effect! ;)
Kommentar schreiben
Kykky (Montag, 26 September 2011 20:25)
U rock ladies!
Devil may cry (Montag, 26 September 2011 21:29)
towels? lol
I would have listed her head band there.
Trinchen (Dienstag, 27 September 2011 00:24)
We had the same idea nearly at the same time. I've just did a research about jennys necklaces ;-)
I realy like this poll.
You've forgot one necklace so, in 149 she's wearing a long white necklace with leaves or something like that.
And i've spottet another earing. In 95 (and 165) shes wearing - well i don't know how to call it - big red earings in the club
Alex (Dienstag, 27 September 2011 01:31)
Wow, you're so thorough! I didn't even remember half of these, seriously how did I not notice the exotic necklace?! This was fun, keep the polls coming! Thanks!
San (Dienstag, 27 September 2011 04:05)
What exactly comes with the towels?
Nevermind. I may be from Texas where it never gets below freezing, but I'm a sucker for scarfs, hats, and (OMG!) convertible mittens!!! I will so enjoy wearing them that 2 hours while waiting for the bus that one day when it's kinda chilly.
frananifan (Dienstag, 27 September 2011 05:30)
funny how I never noticed Jenny's USA heart earring.
Rui Auxillia (Dienstag, 27 September 2011 13:40)
Wow! You girls are the best! This is so much fun! Feels like shopping for Jenny's stuff!! *giggles happily*
If you can add the clothes that Jenny wear on the polls, I'll definitely stack my choice on her dark blue blazer ... <3
Ohohohohoho!!! That with the vampire necklace, studded bracelet, pink watch, bullet earring, and the red brooch, and I became Jenny, ohohohohoho!!!
Tintin (Dienstag, 27 September 2011 15:40)
I love this poll because I get to see Jenny thanks guys! (:
Love the towels hehehe!
You can also make a poll about their favorite food or drinks like the grapes, yoghurt and chocolate biscuit. (:
Lisa (Mittwoch, 28 September 2011 21:16)
Hahahaha, this poll is awesome. Although I must object, as Jenny's light blue/rainbow pumps are the coolest shoes I've, like, ever seen and legitimately want no article of apparel more than those shoes...I suggest an addendum to the poll?
Clijsters3 (Sonntag, 02 Oktober 2011 21:12)
Loving the poll, got to laugh at the mushroom brooch, but I didn't vote for it. Of course this poll wasn't an excuse to post loads of pictures of Jenny of course not:) Nearly went for the owl bag but decided upon the vrooom bag.
Conchi (Montag, 03 Oktober 2011 03:09)
I love this game, thanks for the hard work!...it's great to see photos from Jenny again...with all of her accessories...
Libellule (Samstag, 29 Oktober 2011 05:28)
Ok, I'm super late on this one, and I know this poll is over now, but I have to explain why I didn't participate in it at the time:
I love Jenny and I love how fiercely she can wear anything, but the thing is that she really likes pink and I don't. So it was too difficult for me to pick up some Jenny's accessories for my own Christmas list as I wouldn't dig them on me. They just belong to Jenny. :p
Otherwise it would have made something like this:
-Bag: the owl one, but I would have had to paint or cover in some way the pink edges. Or if the Vroooom bag is actually red striped then I would have gone for that one as a second choice.
-Bracelet: green/black zebra
-Necklace: the vampire teeth
-Earrings: my most spontaneous choice would have been the bullet earring, but then I think it would have been to keep it as a sacred object, for what it represents, not actually to wear it (I don't think anybody can rock it the way Jenny does, anyway). So I would have chosen the red/silver studs.
-Others: very difficult to pick just one in this category, but I would have gone with the orange ipod.