Hello everyone!
So, we're hoping you haven't had enough of those polls yet - cutest couple, SMDM and all. Because here are the results of our last poll and a brand new one which wants you to tick one of its boxes (this wasn't supposed to sound dirty). Also there are two little extras hidden in here.
So take a look!
Poll 6 - All I want for Christmas - Emma Version
Of course you voted for a combination that does not appear in any episode! So lousy photoshop skills it were again.
(Truth: I only didn't find one in this short time, so if you do, you'll get an award!)

The winners are:
Jacket: The Uniform
Shirts: The Plaid
Shoes: The Chucks
Honestly, how good does she look there when she is wearing the chucks and not those other shoes which shall not be named?! I think I would have combusted if she wore those shoes in 225 instead of those blue heel kind of things when the camera swings up from the eclairs to Jemma lying on the Saal1 platform.... - you know what I'm talking about.
But there is an Episode in which Emma wears the combination of her least favored clothes.

The least favored are:
Jacket: The Buddy
Shirts: The Others
Shoes: The Ankle Boots
(Still, though Emma is apparently wearing her worst outfit, this was such a good episode!!! And Jenny was dressed awesomely, like always. So I guess that made up for it.)
Click on the pics beneath to view the Poll 6 results:
What? You still haven't enough of Emma's clothes and you're totally into statistics?
Well, then we're having a treat for you!
Click bellow on the download to get a full on elaboration about all of Emma's clothing from episode 1 to 234 by Trinchen.
She scored an A+ with it in our world. So everyone get up and give a standing ovation to her for her investment and effort.
Thank you for letting us put it up!
(Yes, it's in german, but the pictures and episode numbers are great enough to just look at if you don't understand it)
Poll 7 - The Place to Be
Certainly everyone has heard of the saying 'in the right place at the right time' and made their own experiences with it. But since Einstein taught us unmistakably that time is relative, it now is up to you (and us) to settle the more important question: Which is the right place?
The places that are up to election couldn't be more different, but one major detail they do have in common: The connection to unforgettable moments.
So let's start and look at the participants!
Sicherlich hat schon jede/r mal den Ausspruch „Zur Richtigen Zeit am richtigen Ort“ gehört und persönliche Erfahrungen damit gemacht. Da Einstein uns aber „verständlich“ erklärt hat, dass Zeit relativ ist, bleibt es nun Euch (und uns) überlassen die wichtigere Frage zu klären: welcher ist der richtige Ort?
Die zur Wahl stehenden Orte könnten nicht unterschiedlicher sein gleichen sich aber in einem wichtigen, wesentlichen Detail: die Verknüpfung zu unvergessliche Momenten.

Here has been the start of many - and especially one - thing (No, not Bea&Ben, but Jenny checking out her fellow students). In apparently the only Club of Cologne many ambitious and promising
talents have graced our screens. So we listened to Jupiter Jones, Frida Gold or Luzi Beschenko while our heroes and heroines danced or faught on the dance floor, partied and celebrated at the bar
or suffered quietly in the masses, hiding from the world. Who likes a change of scenery and distraction is absolutely right in this place!
Hier, am Anfang vieler und besonders einer Sache(nein nicht Bea&Ben, sondern Jenny die ihre Mitschüler(in) abcheckt,) geben sich wohl im einzigen Club Kölns die aufstrebenden, talentierten Talente Deutschlands wie Jupiter Jones ,Frida Gold oder „Luzi Beschenko“ die Ehre, während auf der Tanzfläche mal getanzt, mal gekämpft, am Tresen gefeiert oder gelitten oder sich vor der Welt versteckt wird. Wer auf Abwechslung und Ablenkung steht, ist hier genau richtig.

Of course the resemblance to a barrack can't quite be denied (like someone else rightly observed already in their first days), but this place is a scene and stage for many very special and extraordinary moments and possibilities. And who doesn't mind that at the most inappropriate times someone might disturb their cozy tête-à-tête, and who does find the benefits of comfortable couches, incidental lessons and the opening time of 24hours alluring, will have found their El Dorado in this place.
Selbstverständlich ist die Ähnlichkeit mit einer Kaserne nicht ganz von der Hand zu weisen (wie jemand schon treffend festgestellt hat), aber dieser Ort bietet (Schau) Plätze für ganz besondere, außergewöhnliche Möglichkeiten und Momente. Und wer sich nicht daran stört, dass zu den unpassendsten Momenten jemand die Zweisamkeit unterbricht und mehr das Privileg wie z.B. einer bequemen Couch, den nebenbei geführten Unterricht oder die Öffnungszeit von 24h genießen möchte hat hier wohl sein/das El Dorado gefunden.
Villa Bergmann
We probably rarely envied the residents of a villa more than those of this dream of an estate agent. Its spacious living room with its tasteful interior invites visitors and its residents to perform seances, improvised dancing acts, parties and glee rehearsals, while closeness, comfort and intimacy is the main topic of the various and original decorated bedrooms. The bathroom convinces with its convenient furnishing - above all the monumental laundry basket stands out. The open kitchen seems like a table set yourself with an inexhaustible supply of grapes, orange juice and yogurt, because of the discreet Beschenko Brownie that comes along with it. And also the stairs - if used for dancing or the usual aid to get from one floor to the other after a shower, or to run after your girlfriend - doesn't leave any wish unfulfilled. So overall this place seems like it can't do any wrong.
Selten haben wir wohl Bewohner einer Villa mehr beneidet als bei diesem Traum jeden Maklers. Sein großzügiges Wohnzimmer mit der geschmackvollen Einrichtung lädt zu Séancen, improvisierten Tanzeinlagen oder Partys ein. Nähe, Geborgenheit und Intimität wird in den verschiedenen, originell eingerichteten Schlafzimmern großgeschrieben. Das Badezimmer überzeugt durch seine komfortable Ausstattung, allen voran durch den überdimensionalen Wäschekorb. Die Küche sowie die Treppen lassen ebenfalls keine Wünsche offen. Und wer hätte nicht gerne DIESEN Küchentresen.

The reason why everyone wants to work and dine at Saal1 is probably because:
1. Your colleagues have a natural talent to spot a beautiful smile.
2. It never gets boring - if because of a heated work climate, dancing contests, or the chance to observe the status of other people's relationships.
3. There's a perfect atmosphere to dance.
4. They have these irresistible little cakes and eclairs.
5. It offers the chance to be undisturbed with your love.
6. It shares the same fate as the Chulos in being simply unique - the only restaurant in cologne.
But in any case, Saal1 cuts a good figure and is a maintainable choice.
Warum sich alle Welt im Saal1 bewerben bzw. dort zum Essen verabreden möchte liegt wohl
1. am Naturtalent der Kolleginnen/Angestellten, das schon mal zu einem aufgeheizten Betriebsklima führen kann?
2. am perfekten Ambiente fürs Tanzen?
3. an den unwiderstehlichen Törtchen und Eclairs?
4. an der ungestörter Zweisamkeit?
5. auf der Hand! Es teilt anscheinend das gleiche Schicksal wie das Chulos und ist das Einzige seiner Art.
Auf jeden Fall gehört es in die enge, sehr enge Auswahl.
RaumZeit Records

Raumzeit Records...To mention that Caro Eichkamp is being a staff member here is probably not the best way to sell this deal. (Or is it? Because for your translatress it totally is! lol) So let's see what this label is without Caro Eichkamp, though she might argue 'Nothing!'. Well, here we're having another place where you have the chance to meet and socialize with new, interesting and FAMOUS people the minute you walk in the door to cut your first (or for some second..) Demo Track or to participate in intoxicating parties. Also Raumzeit is well known as the place where crimes against strawberries are commited, and petty criminals are taken down one at a time before Happy Endings will get celebrated! Overall, it is definitely one thing: A place for dreams to come true. But is Raumzeit your dream?
Ein Plattenstudio, das Caro Eichkamp als Mitarbeiterin vorweisen kann ist sicher nicht gerade das Argument, das man als erstes anführen sollte. Aber was wäre dieses Studio ohne sie? Außer ein weiterer Ort, an dem neue Kontakte geknüpft und rauschende Partys gefeiert werden. Verbrechen an unschuldigen Erdbeeren begangen, Kleinkriminelle zur Strecke gebracht und last but not least Happy Ends gefeiert werden.
Home of the Beschenkos

Who wouldn't love to have a secret save haven? A hide out par excellence?
In the flat of the much loved and always helpful Beschenko Clan you will find all you need to get that.
1. A couch to confer on with each other.
2. Luzi's room to fool around with each other and to forge plans to elope together.
3. The kitchen table, which seems to be able to grand clear vision to see reason. (And wasn't also this the place at which people were making sandwich while discovering that Jenny is not crushing on Ben but ...)
Wer hätte denn nicht gerne einen Rückzugsort? A hide out par excellence? In der Wohnung der allseits hilfsbereiten Beschenko Sippschaft kann man alles vorfinden:
1. Eine Couch zum Beraten,
2. Luzis Zimmer zum herumalbern und Pläne fürs Durchbrennen schmieden
3. der Esstisch der den Vernunftsentscheidungen vorbehalten zu sein scheint. (Und wurde hier nicht beim Brote schmieren entdeckt, dass Jenny nicht in Ben sondern in …. verknallt ist?!)

Certainly a hospital isn't one of the most pleasant places in which you want to spend your time at. Depressive hallways, dramatic doctors with dramatic diagnoses...But - yes, there's always a but - the counter arguments are also pretty convincing. A girlfriend who runs to you if you're hurt, deep emotions swirling in everyone evoked by the trauma, and good friends who need and serve with help, and who make you realize that every day is precious (and with that, help you to make that final step onto The Books.)
Sicherlich gehört ein Krankenhaus nicht zu den angenehmsten Orten, in denen man seine Zeit auch noch freiwillig verbringen möchte. Deprimierende Gänge, anscheinend immer zum Drama neigende Ärzte… Aber, ja es gibt immer ein aber, die Gegenargumente sind ebenfalls sehr überzeugend. Eine Freundin, die zu einem eilt, Krankenhausbesuch der einen umhauen würde, gute Freunde, die Hilfe benötigen und im Gegenzug einem klar machen, dass jeder Tag kostbar ist. (und wohl zum schönsten Outing beitragen).
This is a hard choice once again. Take a good look at the participants, take stock of yourself, concentrate and then vote down here :)
Poll 6 Reloaded
At last, no one noticed how I screwed up the last poll. Because, how could you? Simi was kind enough not to mention it, nor to slap me over the head because of it. Really you were supposed to be able to choose your favorite Plaid, your favorite Striped and your favorite Other shirt.
But to make up for it, I decided, you now will get an extra poll to determine what is The Ultimate Plaid!?
Here are the participants of our winner of the shirt category once again:

So tell us what is The Ultimate Plaid to wear in that Place to Be? ;)
So girls, once again: Vote, vote, vote!
And share your thoughts with all of us down in the comments :)
Have a great day,
Your Poll Team
Kommentar schreiben
kykky (Mittwoch, 11 Januar 2012 15:12)
you are great!!!
I voted fo Villa! Yes: the place on intimacy. Where Emma and Jenny cuddle, make love; where Emma help Jenny for the drug.....This place has tooo many memories.... :)
kykky (Mittwoch, 11 Januar 2012 15:14)
Sorry..I want to add: who is the wonderful, crazy girl who gave us the EMMA's clothes???? You are my hero!!!!! you rock!!!! Thank you sooooo much!!!!!
Rui Arshana (Mittwoch, 11 Januar 2012 19:22)
First I need to say to the girl who make that wonderful assortment of Emma clothes .... YOU ARE THE BEST!!! DU BIST DIE BESTE!!!
And I voted for Pestalozzi, because of one single basic reason, this is the place where Jenny met Emma for the first time, and also their first kiss ;)
frananifan (Sonntag, 15 Januar 2012 01:38)
Well...Piss Kiss trumps all...so Villa Bergmann wins my vote.
Clijsters3 (Dienstag, 17 Januar 2012 16:29)
We could never get bored of your polls! You're right it's another tough one, but I went with Pestalozzi just above Bergmann Villa.