Episode 75

translated by hephylax edited by amidola


Michael: I wanted to ask if you would like to go to dinner with me tonight. But if you need time, that would be completely okay. It’s actually fine if you needed time because I need time as well.

Bea: Okay.

Michael: At least, I should need time. (What’s this? A line from the book “How not to look like a desperate Arschloch by pretending to care for her feelings?”)Okay, that’s how it sounds when your foot is planted firmly in your mouth.

Bea: I’d like to go to dinner with you.

Michael: Yes?

Bea kisses him. Ben has taken over Michael’s stalker role for the time being and watches through the window panes.






[Pestalozzi, auditorium]


They’re still kissing. Ben is still watching. (Do I really have to describe his facial expression? Didn’t think so.)

Michael: Didn’t we want to take our time?

Bea: Yes, we did.

Michael: And now?

Bea: Now, I’m leaving.

Michael: But we’ll see each other tonight?

Bea: Yes.

Michael: I’m looking forward to it.



[Pestalozzi, principal’s office]


Frau Krawczyk isholding some alcohol flavoured candy in her hands. A knock and Frau Jäger comes in.

Frau Jäger: Frau Krawczyk? I’ve got a fax here from the organizers of the school band festival.

Frau Krawczyk puts the package down but Frau Jäger sees it and is worried. (Especially if it’s about her beloved.)

Frau Krawczyk: Great. Who was the fax from again? Well, just give it to me.

Frau Jäger: The festival organizers are giving their thanks again for the successful performance. Our AG seems to have made a big impression on them.(Seems,like they keep doing that:-)

Frau Krawczyk: That’s what one likes to hear.

She throws the wrapping paper the candy came in into the trash.Frau Jäger really doesn’t want to leave her Gabriele to face temptation alone, so she tries to play for time.

Frau Jäger: I always knew that our students would get invited to the band festival. They are simply the best (better than all the rest! Better than anyone, anyone I’ve ever met…)

Frau Krawczyk: Is there anything else?

Frau Jäger: N-no.

Frau Jäger reluctantly leaves and Frau Krawczyk puts her head into her hands.

(Those two have more chemistry and genuine affection for each other than Michael and Bea ever will./Michael doesn't even remember,that Bea is more of a tea than a coffee person..that would NEVER happen to Ms.Jäger...)



[Pestalozzi, big stairs]


Bea: Hey! What are you still doing here?

Ben: I’ve realized that the really interesting things only happen after school.

Bea: What are you talking about?

Ben: What a kiss! Wow! You couldn’t get enough.(SERIOUSLY, Ben?)

Bea: Are you actually spying on me now?

Ben: This is a public building. Anyone could have happened by. Didn’t you always preach to me that as a teacher you were a role model and had to act accordingly? And suddenly you are standing in the middle of the school making out with a colleague. How does that go together?(I think very well. Personally, I am very glad, that Bea has proven such a great role model to Emma, regarding auditorium make out sessions..)

Bea: Ben, that’s enough. It’s none of your business.

Ben: You always twist things to your advantage. When it’s about saving your ass, you don’t say no…but this here, this is none of my business! You know very well, that you are only still a teacher here because I put my neck on the line for you. But you know something? It won’t happen again in the future. Because it’s none of my business.



[Saal 1]


Waitress: Would you like to order something already?

Michael: No, thank you. I’m waiting for someone.

His phone rings. (Who voluntarily chooses such an annoying ring tone?)

Michael(on the phone): Hi, Bea! I’m already sitting in front of the menu in Saal 1 and thought, if you know what you want, I could already…

Okay. No no. That’s alright. I can understand that. Then…then we’ll see each other tomorrow. Yes, bye.

(Tsk tsk, Bea. I could say something about Michael being right with the things he said during his drag queen impersonation (which I’m really fond of, btw) but let’s go on to much more important things or people/YAY!)



[Bergmann villa]


Jenny and Ben are sitting across from each other, at the table, eating dinner.

Jenny: You don’t seem to be having a big appetite. A few months in London would change that. There, you learn to appreciate good cooking. And you’re not really talkative, either.

Ben: I’d rather listen today. So? How was your first day?

Jenny: Okay. Everyone was pretty nice, really. A little too nice, I think. Someone was always trying to invite me to something.(What she is saying is this:Everyone kept hitting on me today, I knew this was the gay capital of Germany, but come on, even better than London? Heaven.)

Ben: Well, you’re the number 1 topic at school.

Jenny: What’s the name again of the girl from the beach volleyball team? Caro?

Ben: Yes.

Jenny: And the one from the singing AG? Elke.

Ben: Almost. Luzi.

Jenny: No, with an E. Ach, I’m terrible with remembering names.

Ben: Emma.

Jenny: Exactly. They both want me to join their Ags.(Both of them asked me out, I think that's what this whole “I'll invite you to my AG(Club)” is about,right? And then, you go to Chulos together?Why aren't you in any AGs,Ben?I Forgot,you only wanted to listen,today...)

Ben: Then, you have a problem. They hate each other. You will have to choose between them. (Are we still talking about the AGs?).

Jenny: Great. And how? I mean, where are the cooler people?

Ben: That depends on how you define cool.

Jenny: Where do youthink I would fit in better?

Ben: No i-de-a.

He is poking around in his food with his fork. And with that and his mood, Dr. Hartmann immediately diagnoses the problem.

Jenny: Who is it?

Ben: Huh?

Jenny: Who is the woman who spoilt your appetite like this?

Ben: Why do you think it’s because of a woman?

Jenny: I can see it in your face. You aren’t exactly a poker player. So?

Ben: Don’t want to talk about it.

Jenny: But you should. Come on. I won’t give up.

Ben: Okay, what the heck. To make a long story short (and your translator thanks you for that!), I did a lot for her…and then it turned out that she didn’t give a damn about me at all. End of story.

Jenny: I’ve heard worse stories. (And wouldn’t we have loved to hear those stories as well? Well, at least Emma knows now.)And you shouldn’t let it get you down so much. As far as I’ve noticed, there are a few who would love to console you.(They would love to console me as well, but let's not get into that right now..)

Ben: Thanks, not interested.

Jenny: Okay, I see.(Oh, you're gay,too, but no men in the Ags? What about STAG,then?Singing and Dancing?) Only my method can help you now.

Ben: Where are you going?

Jenny: I’m going to get us some ice-cream and when there’s nothing left… you’re going to feel better, for sure.

(Dr. Hartmann to the rescue!/I would appreciate some Dr.Hartmann medicine right about now!)



[The Vogel home]


Miriam: Hey.

Bea: Hey!

Miriam: Will you get yourself a glass and sit with me?

She holds up a glass of red wine.

Bea: Yes.

Miriam: And please tell me that you have some problem we can talk about because…I just can’t talk about mine anymore.

Bea: You’re lucky in that regard.





Sebastian: You know. You were always my role model.

Michael: That’s the first time I’m hearing that.

Sebastian: And the last time. Because now I only want to be the opposite of what you are.

Michael: The opposite of a teacher?

Sebastian: No. The opposite of hopelessly in love. I thought, things with Bea were long over.

Michael: They were.

Sebastian: What’s this then?

Michael: The sparks started to fly. (That usually happens when two things, that should have some distance between them to function properly, start to grind together. It usually ends in complete catastrophe./Or you need oil..)



[The Vogel home]


Bea: We kissed each other.

Miriam: But that’s great. Or wasn’t it that good?

Bea: It was. Very much. I like him. But he’s a colleague.

Miriam: Well, that’s better than your student.

Bea: It’s going so fast. Much too fast. And we all saw what happened the last time I rushed head over heels into something.

Miriam: Wait a moment, the thing with Ben wasn’t a relationship. With Michael you have a chance.

Bea: But if I fuck that up too, I not only have to avoid a student but also a colleague.(What about starting something up with the principal and continuing that pattern?)





Michael: You know… things with Karin are barely over and now something is already starting up with Bea. How does that look?

Sebastian: That you are irresistible? (I really don’t want to but sometimes I do get strange vibes with these two//I'm still hung up on the Karin line..Beschenko? Really? I am back to the old eps asap..)

Michael: No. That I took advantage of Karin, somehow.(O_o)

Sebastian: Nobody thinks that.

Michael: Nobody except probably Karin. I mean, she only ended things because of Bea. ( Hmm, now, there's an interesting thought...but really,Karin??? Michael, what about getting some therapy and being single for a while?I mean all of us know, that you have barely just gotten separated from Helena..)



[The Vogel home]


Miriam: Forget about Ben for a minute. That’s over. And if you ask me, that’s a good thing.

Bea: He sees things differently.

Miriam: Say, why does Ben have an opinion on you and Michael, anyway?

Bea: He saw us kiss each other. He’s hurt.

Miriam: You think, he’s going to do something stupid?

Bea: No.(Have you MET Ben?)

Miriam: Then what is the problem?

Bea: If things with Michael don’t work out… maybe I’m just not the relationship type.





Michael: You know, it’s better if Bea doesn’t carry the problems of her old relationship over into the new one. She can take her time. That’s okay. (He’s such an understanding guy, isn’t he?/Alcohol helps))

Sebastian: You are always going to have problems with a woman named Vogel. I’m speaking from experience, here.



[The Vogel home]


Miriam: He is a Heisig. Sooner or later, it’s going to happen, anyway.

Bea: I can control myself. (Since when!?/Maybe she is saying it to herself to believe it?))

Miriam: Mhm. That’s what I thought about me, too. That I could never cheat on Piet. And then what happened?

Bea: Have you talked to each other again?

Miriam: He wants a divorce.

Bea: But that’s not true. What about Lara?

Miriam: I don’t know how to tell her.

Bea: Piet doesn’t mean it.

Miriam: Yes, he does.

Bea: My brother is stubborn. But after blowing off some steam… You have to give him that time. After that he’is going to tell you that he didn’t mean it like that.



[Pestalozzi, principal’s office]


Frau Jäger puts some papers on the desk and seizes the opportunity to investigate the contents of Frau Krawczyk’s desk drawer. She finds the candy and is pondering what to do when Frau Krawczyk comes in.

Frau Krawczyk: Good morning.

Frau Jäger: Morning.

Frau Krawczyk: So you have found my brandy beans? (She smiles and doesn’t look too mad.)

Frau Jäger: I’ve only brought the recess supervision plans.

Frau Krawczyk puts the candy on the desktop and takes out avodka bottle from another drawer.

Frau Krawczyk: This, you are going to like even less.

Frau Jäger: Frau Krawczyk.

Frau Krawczyk: These delightful gifts I found in my office yesterday. Someone really seems to mean well for me.

Frau Jäger: Who would do something like that?

Frau Krawczyk: Somebody who obviously wants to break my will power.

Frau Jäger: Julian Götting.

Frau Krawczyk: Whoever is behind this he would have to be rather naïve to be thinking that this plan would work.

Frau Jäger: Frau Krawczyk, I’m going to keep my eye on your office door from now on. (Ingrid, now don’t pretend you don’t, anyway.)

Frau Krawczyk: And the next time you inspect my office please don’t jump to conclusions again. (Aw, trust is so important in a relationship, isn’t it?)

Frau Jäger: Oh, should I…

Frau Krawczyk: Yes, get this stuff out of my sight

Frau Jäger: I was only worried about you.

Frau Krawczyk: I know that. (Awwww…)



[Pestalozzi, school office/copy machine]


Michael: Good morning.

Bea: Good morning. I’m so sorry that I stood you up.(You better get used to it)

Michael: No problem. A dinner can be rescheduled. What are you making copies of, anyway?

Bea: My math test. Why?

Michael: Without exercises?

Bea: Damn!

Michael: I think you put the original down the wrong way. (No shit, Sherlock!)Yes.

Bea: No paper jam now, please.

Michael: Yes, in tray No.1.

Bea bends over to look, Michael doesn’t even pretend not to stare at her ass, grinning.

Frau Jäger: Oh,hello. Here are the new recess supervision plans.

Michael: Thanks, Frau Jäger.

Bea: Ingid? The copy machine is broken, again. Could you take a look? (There is a strong male know-it-all standing right beside you and you ask the female secretary? Good girl! There is hope for you yet.)

Frau Jäger: Of course. If you are in a hurry right now, I can make them [the copies] for you.

Bea: That would be great but…these are my math tests. They really have to be kept under wraps.

Frau Jäger: Oh, no problem.

Michael: We’ve been assigned to the same shift. (That must be fate. Quick, ask her to marry you./He could probably fashion a ring out of the paper jam in Tray 1..)

Bea: I have class now.

Michael: But don’t forget our little date.

Bea: What date? (Do I detect a small touch of panic here?)

Michael: Our recess supervision, later on.

Bea: Ah yes. No.

(Okay, it was more than a small touch of panic because even Michael noticed.)



[Pestalozzi, at the school entrance]


Hotte: I love this school.

Timo: Dude, what drugs are you on?

Hotte: It’s because I could run into her.

Timo: Her?

Hotte: Well, the new one. Jenny.

Timo: You’ve met her already?

Hotte: Briefly. When she hit a bike while parking. I helped her.

Emma: Hey, you two? What’s up?

Hotte: Did I mention that I love school?

Sceptical look from Emma.

Timo: He has a crush on the new girl.

Emma: On Jenny?

Hotte: Now don’t act like you know her.

And who should walk by in just that moment?

Emma: Hi Jenny! And, did you think about it? Are you going to join us?

Jenny: Not sure yet. But I’ll definitely come by.

Emma: Great!

Jenny: See you later…Edda.

Emma: Emma! (God, I love those two..)

Hotte: You know her!?

Emma: Yes. I’m sitting next to her in politics.

Hotte: And you’re just telling me now?!

Cute shrug.



[Pestalozzi, school office]


Frau Jäger is making the copies when Götting walks out of the principal’s office.

Frau Jäger: Herr Götting, one moment. I know that you were in the principal’s office just now.

Götting: You’re our Miss Marple now, are you?(YES!!!She can found the Miss Marple investigative Club/AG!)

Frau Jäger: Admit it. It was you who deposited certain things there.

Götting: Well, it seems you caught me.

Frau Jäger: And I’m going to inform the principal at once.

Götting: Frau Krawczyk already knows.

Frau Jäger: She knows?

Götting: Of course. She was the one who asked me for the substitution schedules.

Frau Jäger: Substitution schedules?

Götting: Yes. What did you think?

Frau Jäger: Well…nothing important.

Götting: Well then please don’t waste my precious time.

Janitor: Oh Ingrid. I’m just clearing out the basement (it has to be fit for Helena to spend the night some time in the future)and have to know which shelves we still need. I really need your help.

Frau Jäger: Yes, of course. I’m coming.

Janitor: I don’t want to be blamed if in the end…

They leave together while the copy machine is still going.



[Pestalozzi, at the school entrance]


Hotte: You have to talk to her!

Emma: Me?!

Hotte: Yes. Because you are allowed to speak to her.

Emma: What am I supposed to tell her?

Hotte: Well, that I’m a cool guy.

Emma: Something like: Hotte is a really cool guy and he knows the difference between ASCI and SCSI.

Hotte: Don’t say SCSI or she’s going to think I’m a freak.

Emma: But I’m allowed to say ASCI?

Hotte: No! Did you even listen to me?

Timo: You could tell her about Hotte’s doll collection. Well, maybe she’s into masked musclemen.

Hotte: Those are collector’s items from the seventies. Do you know what they are worth? That doesn’t have to be mentioned to Jenny first thing…

Emma: Then you make a suggestion.

Hotte: The important thing is that she realizes that we are friends. And then I’ll automatically be her friend. And then I’m going to charm her.

Emma: There is only one thing wrong with your plan. I’m not one of Jenny’s friends.

Hotte: And what was that just now?

Emma: Hey, she can’t even remember my name (“I don’t know your name babe, but I wanna be your lover…”)

Hotte: Who cares! It’s enough if she knows my name. Please Emma. Do it for me.

Emma can’t resist her best friend’s puppy dog expression for long and starts grinning. Hotte grins back because he knows he’s won. (I’m grinning because Emma looks really great in these scenes./I'm grinning over Hotte's doll collection, and about the fact,that Emma is going to charm Jenny:-)



[Pestalozzi, school office]


Frau Jäger comes back from her hunting and gathering expedition in the basement with a giant ear model. /Seriously?She's all eyes and ears,then:-D

Frau Jäger: God! The copies. Oh, thank God.

Alexandra: Is there enough paper in the machine? I have a whole bunch.

Frau Jäger: But of course. Everything has just been filled up.

Alexandra opens the lid to put in her paper and finds…the math test. As soon as she realizes whose test this is, a scheming smile appears on her face.



[Pestalozzi, class room]


Bea: Last time we learnt about the arithmetic mean as a central tendency …I see we had already arrived at the median. Okay, who can summarize how to determine the central tendency. Yes, Luzi.

Luzi: Ähm, we did that already. We stopped with the standard deviations.

Bea: Yes, you’re right..



Caro plays around with Ben’s phone and finds the creepy stalker picture of him and the sleeping Bea.



Bea: I’m sorry. I wasn’t able to really prepare for this lesson.

Caro: She probably woke up in the wrong bed again. (Win!)

Luzi: Caro, can’t you just shut up for once?

Caro: I only speak the truth.

Luzi: God, stop spreading your lies. Nobody wants to hear them.

Caro: It figures that you are on her side. You are making out with other girls’ boyfriends yourself.

Luzi: You are only frustrated because Ben dumped you.

Bea: Luzi, Caro, that’s enough.

Caro: I have more information to share. Anyone interested in the truth?

Bea: Caro! I said that’s enough.

Caro: What? Why so nervous?

Bea: Leave my class room at once. Report to the principal.

Caro: Then I can tell her about your great lessons, as well.


[Pestalozzi, in the hallway]


Alexandra: Caro? Don’t you have class?

Caro: Bea Vogel kicked me out of her math class. I’m supposed to report to Krawczyk.

Alexandra: Oh. What did you do?

Caro: Told the truth.

Alexandra: Caro, have you forgotten our last talk?

Caro: No. But I can’t stand Bea Vogel and her holier-than-thou demeanour anymore.

Alexandra: I can understand that.

Caro: Then I better go now and report to the principal.

Alexandra: Caro? Wait a minute. I won’t let you get treated like that.

Caro: Are you going to put in a good word for me?

Alexandra: Not necessary. You aren’t going to report to her at all.

Caro: And what am I going to tell Frau Vogel?

Alexandra: You can give Bea my best regards. I had more important things for you to do.

Caro: Wow. Thanks, Frau Lohmann.



[Pestalozzi, school yard]


Bea hands Michael a cup of coffee.

Michael: I was starting to think you were avoiding me.

Bea: I wanted to avoid you.

Michael: At least, I didn’t imagine it, then.

Bea: I’m not good at this. Okay? (That might be because you always choose partners who suck)First of all, I… like you. Very much. And I…I wanted to do everything right with you. I wanted to take my time so that it would work out but I don’t know how (Impulse control hypnosis?)Everything happened so quickly, became one big chaos. So I backed off. Did I mention I’m not good at this?

Michael: Well. But that’s okay. I think nobody is good at this. When it gets serious between two people it also gets chaotic. I think that’s just a part of it.

Bea: Since we’re talking about honesty… Ben saw us kiss each other.

Michael: Is that of any importance anymore? You said things were over between you.

Bea: They are.

Michael: So what’s the problem?

Bea: He made me realize how big the chaos has become. And…it was a huge mistake that I got involved with him in the first place. It wasn’t that long ago. I’m just scared of doing everything wrong again. Can you understand that?

Michael: Yes, I believe so. You just want to forego confusing moments at this time.

Bea: I need a little time (Didn’t I already translate something like that 60 episodes ago before we jumped ahead to the early Jemma? Did any character or story development take place during this time, at all?)To come to terms with myself and to be able to get involved with someone again. Eventually.

Michael: Okay.

Bea: Okay.



[Pestalozzi, consultation room]


Alexandra pushes an envelope over to Caro.

Caro: What’s in there?

Alexandra: The math test you are going to write tomorrow in Bea Vogel’s class.

Caro: What! Really?!

Alexandra: No idea why it’s lying around here. Someone must have forgotten it.

Caro: Vogel is gonna puke. With this it’ll be easy for me to get 15 points (the highest possible grade, A+)tomorrow.

Alexandra: There are enough copies for everyone.

(Now THAT was really nice of Alexandra. She takes care of all the students.;-))